Pronalaženje prikladne alternative malom broju postojećih antimikrobnih sredstava za suzbijanje biljnih patogena, vitalan je zadatak u suvremenoj poljoprivredi. U tu svrhu se provode intenzivna istraživanja kako bi se otkrili ekološki prihvatljivi i učinkoviti spojevi koji mogu suzbiti patogene otporne na primjenjivane antimikrobne aktivne tvari. Učinkovitost fenilboronske kiseline (PBA) protiv nekoliko fitopatogenih bazidiomicetnih vrsta u smislu zaštite drvne građe, poznata je od ranije, ali do sada nije testirana u suzbijanju uzročnika bolesti poljoprivrednih kultura. Cilj disertacije je testirati antibakterijski i antimikotički učinak PBA na patogene u uzgoju rajčice i kontaminantnog patogena svježih plodova rajčice u uvjetima in vitro ...
Ekološki uzgoj povrća temelji se na zaštiti i hranidbi biljaka organskim preparatima. Rajčica je jed...
Numerous scientific research studies all over the world have addressed the problem of agriculture in...
Susceptibility of Streptococcus agalaetiae and Staphylococcus azreus isolated from milk of cows dise...
Pronalaženje prikladne alternative malom broju postojećih antimikrobnih sredstava za suzbijanje bilj...
The ascomycete fungus Alternaria alternata causes early blight, one of economically the most importa...
Finding a suitable alternative to the small pool of existing antifungal agents is a vital task in co...
TEZ10523Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2017.Kaynakça (s. 49-54) var.xiv, 88 s....
Bacterial spot of pepper and tomato caused by Xanthomonas species, is one of the widespread and econ...
Persistence of pathogenic bacteria in plants, is a major threat to human health, especially in plan...
Biocontrol using plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) represents an alternative approach to d...
Bacterial spot of pepper and tomato regularly causes losses in production in Serbia. According to th...
TEZ11338Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2018.Kaynakça (s. 57-75) var.xv, 85 s. : res....
Bu çalışmada, kullanılan kimyasal kontrol yöntemlerine, sistemik uyarılmış dayanıklılık olarak (SAR)...
The aim of this paper is to promote antimicrobial activity of berry fruits to rationalize the use of...
There is a large number of pepper and tomato diseases which considerably reduce their yields and/or ...
Ekološki uzgoj povrća temelji se na zaštiti i hranidbi biljaka organskim preparatima. Rajčica je jed...
Numerous scientific research studies all over the world have addressed the problem of agriculture in...
Susceptibility of Streptococcus agalaetiae and Staphylococcus azreus isolated from milk of cows dise...
Pronalaženje prikladne alternative malom broju postojećih antimikrobnih sredstava za suzbijanje bilj...
The ascomycete fungus Alternaria alternata causes early blight, one of economically the most importa...
Finding a suitable alternative to the small pool of existing antifungal agents is a vital task in co...
TEZ10523Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2017.Kaynakça (s. 49-54) var.xiv, 88 s....
Bacterial spot of pepper and tomato caused by Xanthomonas species, is one of the widespread and econ...
Persistence of pathogenic bacteria in plants, is a major threat to human health, especially in plan...
Biocontrol using plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) represents an alternative approach to d...
Bacterial spot of pepper and tomato regularly causes losses in production in Serbia. According to th...
TEZ11338Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2018.Kaynakça (s. 57-75) var.xv, 85 s. : res....
Bu çalışmada, kullanılan kimyasal kontrol yöntemlerine, sistemik uyarılmış dayanıklılık olarak (SAR)...
The aim of this paper is to promote antimicrobial activity of berry fruits to rationalize the use of...
There is a large number of pepper and tomato diseases which considerably reduce their yields and/or ...
Ekološki uzgoj povrća temelji se na zaštiti i hranidbi biljaka organskim preparatima. Rajčica je jed...
Numerous scientific research studies all over the world have addressed the problem of agriculture in...
Susceptibility of Streptococcus agalaetiae and Staphylococcus azreus isolated from milk of cows dise...