Srednje trijaska dubokovodna sukcesija na području južnoga Žumberka, istaložena u bazenu nastalom kao posljedica ekstenzijske tektonike, sadrži naslage u kojemu su pronađeni ostatci srednje trijaskih amonita. Većina je faune pohranjena u kolekciji Hrvatskog prirodoslovnog muzeja, dok su neki primjerci novi te još nisu inventarizirani. Fosili odredivi do razine vrste ili roda u ovome su radu podrobno morfološki opisani, raspravljeni i smješteni u paleobiogeografski i biostratigrafski kontekst. Također, ukratko su opisane opća geološka građa terena, litološke karakteristike stijena u kojima su prisutni fosili (vapnenci i vapneno-tufitični pješčenjaci) te mikrofacijesne karakteristike vapnenca koji čini jezgru jednog od opisanih amonita. Uz po...
We describe a new ammonoid fauna from the Taurus Mountains of southern Turkey. The Carnian ammonoid ...
A small collection of Ladinian ammonoids from Mt. Svilaja (External Dinarides) is here described for...
During many years of research in the locality of the village of Muć a new genus of the Upper Scythia...
Srednje trijaska dubokovodna sukcesija na području južnoga Žumberka, istaložena u bazenu nastalom ka...
Na području sela Gornji Muć, uz potok Zmijavac, uzorkovan je sloj donjotrijaskog fosilifernog vapnen...
Naučni cilj i zadatak doktorske disertacije je određivanje stratigrafskog položaja trijaskih formaci...
Middle Triassic deposits in the Karst Dinarides (south Lika area, near Gračac) were investigated for...
Basinal Middle Triassic successions of the Samobor and Žumberak Mts. (north-western Croatia) have hi...
Middle Triassic deposits in the Karst Dinarides (south Lika area, near Gračac) were investigated for...
New bed-by-bed data on ammonoids and their stratigraphic position within three sections from the Low...
A small collection of Ladinian ammonoids from Mt. Svilaja (External Dinarides) is here described for...
Between the mid 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, several Austrian and German geologists...
The Brotinja assemblage consists of a small ammonite fauna from Middle Triassic (Anisian) deposits. ...
The paper deals with newly discovered Valanginian-Hauterivian fauna of heteromorphic ammonites (Anc...
A description of new ammonoid specimens (Acrochordiceras aff. damesi, cf. Acrochordiceras sp. indet....
We describe a new ammonoid fauna from the Taurus Mountains of southern Turkey. The Carnian ammonoid ...
A small collection of Ladinian ammonoids from Mt. Svilaja (External Dinarides) is here described for...
During many years of research in the locality of the village of Muć a new genus of the Upper Scythia...
Srednje trijaska dubokovodna sukcesija na području južnoga Žumberka, istaložena u bazenu nastalom ka...
Na području sela Gornji Muć, uz potok Zmijavac, uzorkovan je sloj donjotrijaskog fosilifernog vapnen...
Naučni cilj i zadatak doktorske disertacije je određivanje stratigrafskog položaja trijaskih formaci...
Middle Triassic deposits in the Karst Dinarides (south Lika area, near Gračac) were investigated for...
Basinal Middle Triassic successions of the Samobor and Žumberak Mts. (north-western Croatia) have hi...
Middle Triassic deposits in the Karst Dinarides (south Lika area, near Gračac) were investigated for...
New bed-by-bed data on ammonoids and their stratigraphic position within three sections from the Low...
A small collection of Ladinian ammonoids from Mt. Svilaja (External Dinarides) is here described for...
Between the mid 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, several Austrian and German geologists...
The Brotinja assemblage consists of a small ammonite fauna from Middle Triassic (Anisian) deposits. ...
The paper deals with newly discovered Valanginian-Hauterivian fauna of heteromorphic ammonites (Anc...
A description of new ammonoid specimens (Acrochordiceras aff. damesi, cf. Acrochordiceras sp. indet....
We describe a new ammonoid fauna from the Taurus Mountains of southern Turkey. The Carnian ammonoid ...
A small collection of Ladinian ammonoids from Mt. Svilaja (External Dinarides) is here described for...
During many years of research in the locality of the village of Muć a new genus of the Upper Scythia...