S obzirom na veliku prisutnost i često korištenje pametnih telefona kod djece, a vrlo mali broj istraživanja utjecaja korištenja pametnih telefona na sukobe i kvalitetu odnosa dijete-roditelj, svrha ovog istraživanja je ispitati povezanost kvalitete odnosa dijete-roditelj sa sukobima oko korištenja pametnog telefona između djece i roditelja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 281 učenika, od čega je 168 djevojčica. Za mjerenje vremena koje dijete provede koristeći pametni telefon, za mjerenje sukoba u odnosu dijete-roditelj te za mjerenje sociodemografskih obilježja koristile su se mjere konstruirane za potrebe HRZZ projekta „Digitalna tehnologija u obitelji: obrasci ponašanja i učinci na razvoj djece“ u okviru kojeg je i nastao ovaj rad. Za mje...
The use of smartphones has become a potentially addictive practice. Parental smartphone addiction is...
In light of an increasing technological dependence for millenials, and the fact that members of this...
Smartphones can affect the relationship between parents and their children, and this technoference o...
S obzirom na veliku prisutnost i često korištenje pametnih telefona kod djece, a vrlo mali broj istr...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos roditeljske popustljivosti, vremena korištenja i rizika...
Smartphones have become one of the necessities for every human being living today. Regardless of bac...
Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del ter se osredotoča na preučevanje vloge ...
Background The importance of parent-child attachment in supporting child wellbeing and development ...
Smartphone is widely used among school-age children. Excessive use of smartphone leads to health and...
Syftet med denna uppsats var att reda ut föräldrars attityder kring barn och deras användning av sma...
This qualitative research study explores the implications of parental and child smartphone use on pa...
Introduction: Long term usage of smart phones will influence the physical and psychological conditio...
By doing case analyses of five selected families, this paper reconstructs how smartphone practices i...
V diplomskem delu so predstavljene prednosti in slabosti uporabe mobilnega telefona pri predšolskih ...
Over the last decade, a substantial number of studies has aimed to understand the role of smartphone...
The use of smartphones has become a potentially addictive practice. Parental smartphone addiction is...
In light of an increasing technological dependence for millenials, and the fact that members of this...
Smartphones can affect the relationship between parents and their children, and this technoference o...
S obzirom na veliku prisutnost i često korištenje pametnih telefona kod djece, a vrlo mali broj istr...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos roditeljske popustljivosti, vremena korištenja i rizika...
Smartphones have become one of the necessities for every human being living today. Regardless of bac...
Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del ter se osredotoča na preučevanje vloge ...
Background The importance of parent-child attachment in supporting child wellbeing and development ...
Smartphone is widely used among school-age children. Excessive use of smartphone leads to health and...
Syftet med denna uppsats var att reda ut föräldrars attityder kring barn och deras användning av sma...
This qualitative research study explores the implications of parental and child smartphone use on pa...
Introduction: Long term usage of smart phones will influence the physical and psychological conditio...
By doing case analyses of five selected families, this paper reconstructs how smartphone practices i...
V diplomskem delu so predstavljene prednosti in slabosti uporabe mobilnega telefona pri predšolskih ...
Over the last decade, a substantial number of studies has aimed to understand the role of smartphone...
The use of smartphones has become a potentially addictive practice. Parental smartphone addiction is...
In light of an increasing technological dependence for millenials, and the fact that members of this...
Smartphones can affect the relationship between parents and their children, and this technoference o...