Co Treatment With Biologic Agents and Immunotherapy in the Setting of irAEs of Difficult Management

  • Robles Alonso, Virginia
  • Martínez Valle, Fernando
  • Borruel Sainz, Natalia
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Publication date
June 2022
Frontiers Media SA
Frontiers in Medicine


Adverse drugs reaction; Immune check-point inhibitors therapy; Immunosuppression therapyReacción adversa a medicamentos; Terapia con inhibidores del punto de control inmunitario; Terapia inmunosupresoraReaccions adverses als fàrmacs; Teràpia amb inhibidors del punt de control immune; Teràpia d'immunosupressióIn recent years, immunotherapy has become an important pillar of cancer treatment, with high response rates regardless of tumor histology or baseline mutations, sometime in patients without any alternative of treatment. Moreover, these treatments are moving from later line therapies to front-line therapies in the metastasic setting. However, immune activation associated with immune check-point inhibitors (ICI) is not selective and a lar...

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