Traffic is a major source of urban air pollution that affects health, especially among children. As lower speed limits are commonly applied near schools in many cities, and different governments have different policies on vehicle fleet composition, this research estimated how different speed limits and fleet emissions affect air quality near a primary school. Based on data of traffic, weather, and background air quality records in Dublin from 2013, traffic, emission, and dispersion models were developed to assess the impact of different speed limits and fleet composition changes against current conditions. Outside the school, hypothetical speed limit changes from 30 km/h to 50 km/h could reduce the concentration of NO2 and PM10 by 3% and 2%...
The increasing concentration of human activities in cities has been leading to a worsening in air qu...
In 2004, Oslo introduced a policy that involved a temporary reduction in the maximum speed limit of...
This paper aims to determine the relationship between carbon monoxide levels with vehicles, includin...
Traffic is a major source of urban air pollution that affects health, especially among children. As ...
Final ReportTraffic-related air pollution has a profound impact on human health especially for resid...
Nowadays, air pollution is a huge threat to human health. It is responsible for 6.4 million prematur...
In the past decades substantial efforts have been taken to reduce air pollution emissions. However, ...
In many countries traffic emissions have significantly increased during the last two decades because...
Traffic-related air pollution has a profound impact on human health especially for residents living ...
On-road motor vehicles are responsible for a considerable proportion of near-road air pollution. Whi...
Orange County, FL has been experiencing ozone concentrations in the past several years which in some...
Human exposure to vehicle emissions and traffic-related air pollution is a major concern with the in...
International audienceThis paper considers the main road-traffic parameters that determine air pollu...
In many countries traffic emissions have significantly increased during the last two decades due to ...
Most traffic accidents occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road...
The increasing concentration of human activities in cities has been leading to a worsening in air qu...
In 2004, Oslo introduced a policy that involved a temporary reduction in the maximum speed limit of...
This paper aims to determine the relationship between carbon monoxide levels with vehicles, includin...
Traffic is a major source of urban air pollution that affects health, especially among children. As ...
Final ReportTraffic-related air pollution has a profound impact on human health especially for resid...
Nowadays, air pollution is a huge threat to human health. It is responsible for 6.4 million prematur...
In the past decades substantial efforts have been taken to reduce air pollution emissions. However, ...
In many countries traffic emissions have significantly increased during the last two decades because...
Traffic-related air pollution has a profound impact on human health especially for residents living ...
On-road motor vehicles are responsible for a considerable proportion of near-road air pollution. Whi...
Orange County, FL has been experiencing ozone concentrations in the past several years which in some...
Human exposure to vehicle emissions and traffic-related air pollution is a major concern with the in...
International audienceThis paper considers the main road-traffic parameters that determine air pollu...
In many countries traffic emissions have significantly increased during the last two decades due to ...
Most traffic accidents occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road...
The increasing concentration of human activities in cities has been leading to a worsening in air qu...
In 2004, Oslo introduced a policy that involved a temporary reduction in the maximum speed limit of...
This paper aims to determine the relationship between carbon monoxide levels with vehicles, includin...