With volume 26 of the CGL-Studies, the Center for Garden Art and Landscape Architecture (CGL) of Leibniz Universität Hannover continues after volume 11 (H. Fischer, S. Thielking, J. Wolschke-Bulmahn, eds, Reisen in Parks und Gärten. Umrisse einer Rezeptions- und Imaginationsgeschichte), and volume 23 (Hubertus Fischer, Georg Ruppelt, Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn, eds, Eine Reise in die Schweiz. Das Reisetagebuch des hannoverschen Hofgärtners Heinrich Ludolph Wendland aus dem Jahr 1820) continues the scholarly examination of historical travelogues in their content of information on the history of gardens and travel as well as on historical aspects of landscape perception. Volume 26 presents the results of the symposium held in February 2016 an...