As a player shoots, the others watch to see if the ball rebounds.
Players follow the ball as it is passed.
Two FHS players catch eh ball after a rebound.
This color photograph features the opposing players surrounding Annette Wiles, who possesses a rebou...
Several players watch to see if the shot is complete.
After a player takes a shot, several players are looking to see if the ball clears.https://scholars....
After a shot, several players jump to catch the rebounded ball.
Several players watch the ball after a shot to see if it rebounds.
The players watch, one reaching out, as the ball misses the hoop, rebounding.https://scholars.fhsu.e...
A player makes a layup, opposing players watching to see if it rebounds.
Several player guard each other as a player readies to shoot.
This color photograph features several players jumping to catch the rebounded ball during the NAIA n...
After a ball missed its shot, the players jump for the rebound to try and gain control of the ball.h...
After a shot is missed, several players jump to catch the rebounded ball.
Several players jump to try and intercept a ball being passed.
Number 50 watches a shot to see if it scores.
Players follow the ball as it is passed.
Two FHS players catch eh ball after a rebound.
This color photograph features the opposing players surrounding Annette Wiles, who possesses a rebou...
Several players watch to see if the shot is complete.
After a player takes a shot, several players are looking to see if the ball clears.https://scholars....
After a shot, several players jump to catch the rebounded ball.
Several players watch the ball after a shot to see if it rebounds.
The players watch, one reaching out, as the ball misses the hoop, rebounding.https://scholars.fhsu.e...
A player makes a layup, opposing players watching to see if it rebounds.
Several player guard each other as a player readies to shoot.
This color photograph features several players jumping to catch the rebounded ball during the NAIA n...
After a ball missed its shot, the players jump for the rebound to try and gain control of the ball.h...
After a shot is missed, several players jump to catch the rebounded ball.
Several players jump to try and intercept a ball being passed.
Number 50 watches a shot to see if it scores.
Players follow the ball as it is passed.
Two FHS players catch eh ball after a rebound.
This color photograph features the opposing players surrounding Annette Wiles, who possesses a rebou...