Title III of the JOBS Act, known as the CROWDFUND Act, authorizes the “crowdfunding” of securities, defined as raising capital online from many investors, each of whom contributes only a small amount. The Act was signed into law in April 2012, and will go into effect once the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) promulgates rules and regulations to govern the new marketplace for crowdfunded securities. This Essay offers friendly advice to the SEC as to how to exercise its rulemaking authority in a manner that will enable the Act to achieve its goals of creating an ultralow-cost method for raising business capital and democratizing the market for speculative business investments. The whole crowdfunding project depends on a very simple ...
The Jobs Act was enacted to promote efficient access to external capital by small businesses. Title ...
Crowdfunding is an alternative for Issuers seeking funds for their businesses. On October 2015, the ...
Crowdfunding, a new Internet-based securities market, was recently authorized by federal and state l...
Title III of the JOBS Act, known as the CROWDFUND Act, authorizes the “crowdfunding” of securities, ...
A new federal statute authorizes the online crowdfunding of securities, a new idea based on the co...
Crowdfunding emerged as a heralded capital-formation mechanism at a time when capital markets desper...
This essay introduces the complex regulatory regime that governs the public sale of all securities, ...
Many small to moderate-sized businesses simply cannot afford the costs of the specialized accountant...
A promising Web-based funding model for small business firms has emerged over the past few years. Cr...
Title III of the JOBS Act, signed by President Obama on April 5, 2012, sets forth a new exemption fr...
The Securities and Exchange Commission effectuated the final crowdfunding rules in 2016, and since t...
Crowdfunding-the use of the Internet to raise money through small contributions from a large number ...
New companies seeking finance often relied on angel investors and venture capitalists. The latest in...
In April 2012, President Obama signed into law the Capital Raising Online While Deterring Fraud and ...
This jointly authored Article scaffolds our respective research interests that analyze laws, rules, ...
The Jobs Act was enacted to promote efficient access to external capital by small businesses. Title ...
Crowdfunding is an alternative for Issuers seeking funds for their businesses. On October 2015, the ...
Crowdfunding, a new Internet-based securities market, was recently authorized by federal and state l...
Title III of the JOBS Act, known as the CROWDFUND Act, authorizes the “crowdfunding” of securities, ...
A new federal statute authorizes the online crowdfunding of securities, a new idea based on the co...
Crowdfunding emerged as a heralded capital-formation mechanism at a time when capital markets desper...
This essay introduces the complex regulatory regime that governs the public sale of all securities, ...
Many small to moderate-sized businesses simply cannot afford the costs of the specialized accountant...
A promising Web-based funding model for small business firms has emerged over the past few years. Cr...
Title III of the JOBS Act, signed by President Obama on April 5, 2012, sets forth a new exemption fr...
The Securities and Exchange Commission effectuated the final crowdfunding rules in 2016, and since t...
Crowdfunding-the use of the Internet to raise money through small contributions from a large number ...
New companies seeking finance often relied on angel investors and venture capitalists. The latest in...
In April 2012, President Obama signed into law the Capital Raising Online While Deterring Fraud and ...
This jointly authored Article scaffolds our respective research interests that analyze laws, rules, ...
The Jobs Act was enacted to promote efficient access to external capital by small businesses. Title ...
Crowdfunding is an alternative for Issuers seeking funds for their businesses. On October 2015, the ...
Crowdfunding, a new Internet-based securities market, was recently authorized by federal and state l...