The old chief Mumia would not allow to mention the name of the head of the other branch of the family, Sakwa's family is the senior and should provide the paramount chief. The Wanga are said to have fought their way into their present home all the way from Tiriki. This Litungu lyre, like the Indungili is also played upright when the player is seated on the ground. Historic feud songs, with Litungu 8 string lyre, Isendeche leg bells (-12.55-), inverted bowl (-12.151-), side blow horn (-11.122-)
The song recalls a notable fight between the Bukusa and the Burwa tribes at Wachonge. The Bukusa wer...
This song recalls the days when the Gishu were first subdued by the English during the early occupat...
A certain Gombolola chief named Mulavu is said to have ordered his people to uproot the groundnuts a...
The old chief Mumia would not allow to mention the name of the head of the other branch of the famil...
Personal feud song accompanied by 2 Litungu 7 string lyres and 1 Luhingele long inverted bow
The strings of the short lyre are only 13", those of the long are 28"-30". This song was composed in...
Heroic song accompanied by the Indongoli 8 string short lyre and Tsindeche leg bell
The Itungu found in the country is a bowl lyre, but this instrument was a box lyre made from scraps ...
Heroic song accompanied by the Indongoli 8 string short lyre and Tsindeche leg bell
The player was seated holding the lyre with the strings extending towards the right and played his l...
"To who do these children belong? To the ruler Luwangula Mugema." Luwangula Mugema is the honorific ...
The instrument was re-tuned for this song at a slightly higher pitch than for some of his other song...
The singer praises the people of the Mamba clan, for surely this is the clan where he found his wife...
For the last 40 years or so, the Walakandha wangga, a repertory composed collaboratively by a number...
Wanga is well known as a singer and entertainer. He composed this song when the famous old chief Mum...
The song recalls a notable fight between the Bukusa and the Burwa tribes at Wachonge. The Bukusa wer...
This song recalls the days when the Gishu were first subdued by the English during the early occupat...
A certain Gombolola chief named Mulavu is said to have ordered his people to uproot the groundnuts a...
The old chief Mumia would not allow to mention the name of the head of the other branch of the famil...
Personal feud song accompanied by 2 Litungu 7 string lyres and 1 Luhingele long inverted bow
The strings of the short lyre are only 13", those of the long are 28"-30". This song was composed in...
Heroic song accompanied by the Indongoli 8 string short lyre and Tsindeche leg bell
The Itungu found in the country is a bowl lyre, but this instrument was a box lyre made from scraps ...
Heroic song accompanied by the Indongoli 8 string short lyre and Tsindeche leg bell
The player was seated holding the lyre with the strings extending towards the right and played his l...
"To who do these children belong? To the ruler Luwangula Mugema." Luwangula Mugema is the honorific ...
The instrument was re-tuned for this song at a slightly higher pitch than for some of his other song...
The singer praises the people of the Mamba clan, for surely this is the clan where he found his wife...
For the last 40 years or so, the Walakandha wangga, a repertory composed collaboratively by a number...
Wanga is well known as a singer and entertainer. He composed this song when the famous old chief Mum...
The song recalls a notable fight between the Bukusa and the Burwa tribes at Wachonge. The Bukusa wer...
This song recalls the days when the Gishu were first subdued by the English during the early occupat...
A certain Gombolola chief named Mulavu is said to have ordered his people to uproot the groundnuts a...