Tsanga muchaona (Look and you will see)

  • Muroiwa Musobenzo
  • Hugh Tracey
Publication date
January 1949
International Library of African Music


a) This tune in 5 time is very well known in the southern part of the country, and has been set to the Njari Mbira as well as the bow and was recorded by H. T. T. in 1933, sixteen years earlier. b) The player strained up his bow for the second tune. Both tunes were recorded with the microphone very near the performer's mouth in order to demonstrate the sound of the Chipedani as heard by the player himself. The mouthed harmonics can be clearly heard. Only those very nearby would in fact hear the bow clearly and the mouth harmonics. Self delectative songs, with Chipendani musical bow and Chimazambi friction bow

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