A gonda dance song for men and women with mbumbumbu, mushondo and kassmuri drums
A very simple dance song, sung in unision. Dance song, Mucungwa for men and women
Party dance song for "Mutshalenga" dance, with 2 goblet drums, weighted, closed, hand beaten and 16 ...
Katikomurweya Katisha dance song for men and women accompanued by a metal drum and clappin
The Gonda was danced by a small group of dark skinned boys and girls who were dressed in the equival...
Mcoma dance song for women and girls with 2 goblet drums, one weighted and whistles accompaniment
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
Melody for the 2nd movement. There are two movements in the Muganda dance, the second is performed w...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
Malipenga dance song accompanied by 2 drums, 2 laced metal bass drums and singing gourd
A good example of Malipenga and dancing. This is the opening movement of the dance. The word Muganda...
"Men and women, together with the chief, you have come here to see the clever dancers. We come from ...
A song for the Zanda round dance for men and women accompanied by kponingbo xylophone , hand bells a...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
Msego dance song for men and women accompanied by the Kayamba raft rattles and clappin
Lulua Mukwabumba dance song with 2 drums, 1 double headed, cylindrical, 1 conical weighted with mirl...
A very simple dance song, sung in unision. Dance song, Mucungwa for men and women
Party dance song for "Mutshalenga" dance, with 2 goblet drums, weighted, closed, hand beaten and 16 ...
Katikomurweya Katisha dance song for men and women accompanued by a metal drum and clappin
The Gonda was danced by a small group of dark skinned boys and girls who were dressed in the equival...
Mcoma dance song for women and girls with 2 goblet drums, one weighted and whistles accompaniment
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
Melody for the 2nd movement. There are two movements in the Muganda dance, the second is performed w...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
Malipenga dance song accompanied by 2 drums, 2 laced metal bass drums and singing gourd
A good example of Malipenga and dancing. This is the opening movement of the dance. The word Muganda...
"Men and women, together with the chief, you have come here to see the clever dancers. We come from ...
A song for the Zanda round dance for men and women accompanied by kponingbo xylophone , hand bells a...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
Msego dance song for men and women accompanied by the Kayamba raft rattles and clappin
Lulua Mukwabumba dance song with 2 drums, 1 double headed, cylindrical, 1 conical weighted with mirl...
A very simple dance song, sung in unision. Dance song, Mucungwa for men and women
Party dance song for "Mutshalenga" dance, with 2 goblet drums, weighted, closed, hand beaten and 16 ...
Katikomurweya Katisha dance song for men and women accompanued by a metal drum and clappin