A mutshongolo dance song for men and women accompanied by drums and hand clapping
A mutshongolo dance song for young men accompanied by a small double bass drum and clapping
Lulua Mukwabumba dance song with 2 drums, 1 double headed, cylindrical, 1 conical weighted with mirl...
A vugo dance song for women accompanied by horn rattles, and drums played with sticks and hands
A simple clapping song which usually accompanies the Kimungwe dance, but may also be sung after dinn...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
Katikomurweya Katisha dance song for men and women accompanued by a metal drum and clappin
Katikomurweya Katisha dance song for men and women accompanued by a metal drum and clappin
A song for Mutombok dance, also known as the death dance but is now danced when the Chief feels happ...
Nindo praise dance song for men and women with Malanzi transverse flute, 2 holed and stopped accompa...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
Mcoma dance song for women and girls with 2 goblet drums, one weighted and whistles accompaniment
A ndongwe stick dance song for men accompanied by drums played with hands, sticks and rope
A msabe dance song which is danced when a diviner is consulted accompanied by drums played with stic...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
A very simple dance song, sung in unision. Dance song, Mucungwa for men and women
A mutshongolo dance song for young men accompanied by a small double bass drum and clapping
Lulua Mukwabumba dance song with 2 drums, 1 double headed, cylindrical, 1 conical weighted with mirl...
A vugo dance song for women accompanied by horn rattles, and drums played with sticks and hands
A simple clapping song which usually accompanies the Kimungwe dance, but may also be sung after dinn...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
Katikomurweya Katisha dance song for men and women accompanued by a metal drum and clappin
Katikomurweya Katisha dance song for men and women accompanued by a metal drum and clappin
A song for Mutombok dance, also known as the death dance but is now danced when the Chief feels happ...
Nindo praise dance song for men and women with Malanzi transverse flute, 2 holed and stopped accompa...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
Mcoma dance song for women and girls with 2 goblet drums, one weighted and whistles accompaniment
A ndongwe stick dance song for men accompanied by drums played with hands, sticks and rope
A msabe dance song which is danced when a diviner is consulted accompanied by drums played with stic...
Manyanga dance song for men accompanied by 3 conical drums laced, 1 goblet drum pegged and ankle bel...
A very simple dance song, sung in unision. Dance song, Mucungwa for men and women
A mutshongolo dance song for young men accompanied by a small double bass drum and clapping
Lulua Mukwabumba dance song with 2 drums, 1 double headed, cylindrical, 1 conical weighted with mirl...
A vugo dance song for women accompanied by horn rattles, and drums played with sticks and hands