The article is sanctified to the exposure of conformity to law of claim of absolute ethics of І. Кant as a leading tendency in philosophical traditions of period of becoming of society of new time.Присвячено виявленню закономірності становлення абсолютної етики І. Канта як провідної тенденції у філософсько-мисленнєвій традиції періоду формування суспільства Нового часу.Посвящено определению закономерности становления абсолютной этики И. Канта как ведущей тенденции философско-мыслительной традиции периода формирования общества Нового времени
In article the essence of methodological position of V. A. Sukhomlinsky concerning determination of ...
Possibilities of self-realization of personality in the aspect of law are based on the general level...
Academic ethics observation is an acute problem in modern society. The principles of ethics code of ...
The article traces the new characteristics that determine the figure of a moralist and the status of...
Anti-normativeness and subject-centeredness as characteristcis of the modern ethic discourse refer t...
I. Национальные культуры и межкультурные различияУ артыкуле разглядаюцца такія ключавыя этычныя паня...
The article discusses the relationship of ethics of non-violence and human nature. Set number of ste...
The article is referred to the demonstration of the cultural environment in the range of the social-...
В статье рассматривается значение педагогической этики, которая является важной составляющей в деяте...
Normativity is the most important expression of the nature of social consciousness. The abstractness...
The article deals with some approaches to moral values in modern Ukrainian philosophy of education. ...
The article discusses the development of the humanistic essence of culture in its historical and phi...
Стаття присвячена аналізу етики дискурсу Ю. Габермаса як спробі подолання концептуальної обмеженості...
Culturological model by V. Turner is applied here to the problems of ethical theory. Morals are cons...
In article the essence of methodological position of V. A. Sukhomlinsky concerning determination of ...
Possibilities of self-realization of personality in the aspect of law are based on the general level...
Academic ethics observation is an acute problem in modern society. The principles of ethics code of ...
The article traces the new characteristics that determine the figure of a moralist and the status of...
Anti-normativeness and subject-centeredness as characteristcis of the modern ethic discourse refer t...
I. Национальные культуры и межкультурные различияУ артыкуле разглядаюцца такія ключавыя этычныя паня...
The article discusses the relationship of ethics of non-violence and human nature. Set number of ste...
The article is referred to the demonstration of the cultural environment in the range of the social-...
В статье рассматривается значение педагогической этики, которая является важной составляющей в деяте...
Normativity is the most important expression of the nature of social consciousness. The abstractness...
The article deals with some approaches to moral values in modern Ukrainian philosophy of education. ...
The article discusses the development of the humanistic essence of culture in its historical and phi...
Стаття присвячена аналізу етики дискурсу Ю. Габермаса як спробі подолання концептуальної обмеженості...
Culturological model by V. Turner is applied here to the problems of ethical theory. Morals are cons...
In article the essence of methodological position of V. A. Sukhomlinsky concerning determination of ...
Possibilities of self-realization of personality in the aspect of law are based on the general level...
Academic ethics observation is an acute problem in modern society. The principles of ethics code of ...