Specifics of internal legislation as one of the main sources of international private law are revealed. The two leading approaches to consolidate collision statements in internal legislation of different countries are described. The main legal acts of Ukraine that regulate private legal relations with foreigners are innumerate.Розкрито особливості одного із основних джерел міжнародного приватного права – внутрішнього законодавства. Наведено два основних підходи для закріплення колізійних положень у внутрішньому законодавстві різних країн. Названо основні законодавчі акти України, що регулюють приватноправові відносини за участю іноземного елемента.Раскрыты особенности одного из главных источников международного частного права – внутреннего ...
Раздзел II. Прававая рэгламентацыя грамадскіх адносін па Статуту Вялікага Княства Літоўскага 1588 го...
The problems of reformation of organs of office of public prosecutor of Ukraine are considered in th...
Peculiarities of English civil procedure are reported. Both the most important aspects of Civil Proc...
The policy of international community in the scope of organized crime counteraction has been studied...
In the article generalization of results of researches and determination of features is conducted ec...
The article focuses on problems of one of the major directions of innovative development of Ukraine ...
The normative legal acts that define the basic guarantees and which are based on protection of forei...
This article reviews the problematic questions of the international legal defense of attorneys’ righ...
Матеріали присвячено дослідженню теоретико-методологічних і прикладних аспектів фінансові стратегії ...
Researching the scientific views as to the problem of legal status of the urban village as an admini...
The article is devoted to varieties of tax audits, given the characteristics of the new varieties of...
Исследованы и описаны две серьезные проблемы криминализации деяний, состоящих в незаконных выдаче и ...
This paper describes Ukrainians incomes condition and problems in this area. The features and prospe...
Круглый стол «Биоэтика и права человека в экологической медицине в контексте основных положений Конв...
Ключевые слова: нормативное закрепление; правовая категория; принципы гражданского права Республики ...
Раздзел II. Прававая рэгламентацыя грамадскіх адносін па Статуту Вялікага Княства Літоўскага 1588 го...
The problems of reformation of organs of office of public prosecutor of Ukraine are considered in th...
Peculiarities of English civil procedure are reported. Both the most important aspects of Civil Proc...
The policy of international community in the scope of organized crime counteraction has been studied...
In the article generalization of results of researches and determination of features is conducted ec...
The article focuses on problems of one of the major directions of innovative development of Ukraine ...
The normative legal acts that define the basic guarantees and which are based on protection of forei...
This article reviews the problematic questions of the international legal defense of attorneys’ righ...
Матеріали присвячено дослідженню теоретико-методологічних і прикладних аспектів фінансові стратегії ...
Researching the scientific views as to the problem of legal status of the urban village as an admini...
The article is devoted to varieties of tax audits, given the characteristics of the new varieties of...
Исследованы и описаны две серьезные проблемы криминализации деяний, состоящих в незаконных выдаче и ...
This paper describes Ukrainians incomes condition and problems in this area. The features and prospe...
Круглый стол «Биоэтика и права человека в экологической медицине в контексте основных положений Конв...
Ключевые слова: нормативное закрепление; правовая категория; принципы гражданского права Республики ...
Раздзел II. Прававая рэгламентацыя грамадскіх адносін па Статуту Вялікага Княства Літоўскага 1588 го...
The problems of reformation of organs of office of public prosecutor of Ukraine are considered in th...
Peculiarities of English civil procedure are reported. Both the most important aspects of Civil Proc...