The film "Victoria & Abdul" is a film with a docudrama genre that tells the true story of Queen Victoria who lived in 1875 and Abdul, a servant of Queen Victoria who came from India. In this study, the writer wants to analyze the content of the film from the point of view of the intercultural communication. The forms of intercultural communication proposed by De Vito. Of the eight forms of De Vito's intercultural communication, this is the main study in this study. There are only four forms that will be the limitation in this analysis, there is (1) communication between different religions, (2) communication between different cultures, (3) communication between subcultures with dominant cultures, (4) communication between different gender a...
This research purposed to determine the preaching messages of aqeeda and sharia in the movie "Jilbab...
Seeing the increasing number of people from the general public and students using taboo language in ...
Sebagai alat dalam berkomunikasi, bahasa diperlukan agar interaksi dengan sesama menjadi mudah. Baha...
This study aims to determine how the shape of the narrative in the film, and determine the forms of ...
Intercultural communication activity would certainly not be separated from the cultural barriers tha...
This research focuses on the intercultural communication contained in the film Bumi Manusia. In the ...
Victoria and Abdul (2017) adalah sebuah film Hollywood yang menggambarkan Victoria, Ratu Inggris yan...
Cakrawala : Jurnal Penelitian. Vol. IV, No. 1 Juni 2015, p. 130-147Intercultural communication acti...
The film is one of the communication media used to convey information from its creator to the audien...
The topic of violence against Indonesian Women Migrant�s Worker (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia/ TKI) who ...
Film merupakan salah satu elemen yang ada di dalam media massa, banyak sekali orang yang mengabaika...
Film is the result of current technological developments and film is also one of the media in mass c...
Manusia merupakan makhluk sosial yang membutuhkan orang lain untuk keberlangsungan hidupnya. Setiap ...
A film is made to represent reality from people's lives. Films can depict various dimensions of life...
Film adalah salah satu media massa dari komunikasi massa yang merepresentasikan realita sosial. Sala...
This research purposed to determine the preaching messages of aqeeda and sharia in the movie "Jilbab...
Seeing the increasing number of people from the general public and students using taboo language in ...
Sebagai alat dalam berkomunikasi, bahasa diperlukan agar interaksi dengan sesama menjadi mudah. Baha...
This study aims to determine how the shape of the narrative in the film, and determine the forms of ...
Intercultural communication activity would certainly not be separated from the cultural barriers tha...
This research focuses on the intercultural communication contained in the film Bumi Manusia. In the ...
Victoria and Abdul (2017) adalah sebuah film Hollywood yang menggambarkan Victoria, Ratu Inggris yan...
Cakrawala : Jurnal Penelitian. Vol. IV, No. 1 Juni 2015, p. 130-147Intercultural communication acti...
The film is one of the communication media used to convey information from its creator to the audien...
The topic of violence against Indonesian Women Migrant�s Worker (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia/ TKI) who ...
Film merupakan salah satu elemen yang ada di dalam media massa, banyak sekali orang yang mengabaika...
Film is the result of current technological developments and film is also one of the media in mass c...
Manusia merupakan makhluk sosial yang membutuhkan orang lain untuk keberlangsungan hidupnya. Setiap ...
A film is made to represent reality from people's lives. Films can depict various dimensions of life...
Film adalah salah satu media massa dari komunikasi massa yang merepresentasikan realita sosial. Sala...
This research purposed to determine the preaching messages of aqeeda and sharia in the movie "Jilbab...
Seeing the increasing number of people from the general public and students using taboo language in ...
Sebagai alat dalam berkomunikasi, bahasa diperlukan agar interaksi dengan sesama menjadi mudah. Baha...