The purpose of this study was to observe efforts to improve science learning material properties of objects in class IV through the discovery learning method. This research was conducted at MI Miftahul Falah Mandala in the second semester of the 2021 academic year. The reasons the researchers were interested in conducting research on leaf shape and function using the discovery learning method for fourth grade students at MI Miftahul Falah Mandala were: 1) the researcher was the child of the class teacher. IV Miftahul Mandala MI School, making it easier for researchers to conduct research at the school. 2) the material on leaf shape and function is in accordance with the competencies being taught and the leaf shape and function are in accord...
This research background is motivated by students' low understanding that has been seen in the daily...
This study aims to improve achievement and science learning activities with discovery methods in cla...
This Classroom Action Research was conducted because of the low learning motivation and learning ach...
The purpose of this study was to observe efforts to improve science learning material properties of ...
The purpose of this study was to improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SD GMIM V...
The purpose of this study is to implement the discovery method to improve learning outcomes in the s...
This research was carried out aimed at improving student learning outcomes in science subjects in te...
: Agus Supriyadi, Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through Discovery Methods In Learning Science ...
The teacher centered learning causes students to be less active in learning so that students do not ...
Education is very important in the progress of a nation, where the Indonesian government is very con...
Abstrak: The purpose of this study is to describe the application of guided discovery method that ca...
Ideally, the learning process should be carried out by fully involving the activities of students, b...
In essence, teaching and learning activities are a process of interaction or reciprocity between tea...
This study aims to determine the increase in student activity and learning outcomes in Chemistry les...
The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes at SDN 02 Kr...
This research background is motivated by students' low understanding that has been seen in the daily...
This study aims to improve achievement and science learning activities with discovery methods in cla...
This Classroom Action Research was conducted because of the low learning motivation and learning ach...
The purpose of this study was to observe efforts to improve science learning material properties of ...
The purpose of this study was to improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SD GMIM V...
The purpose of this study is to implement the discovery method to improve learning outcomes in the s...
This research was carried out aimed at improving student learning outcomes in science subjects in te...
: Agus Supriyadi, Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through Discovery Methods In Learning Science ...
The teacher centered learning causes students to be less active in learning so that students do not ...
Education is very important in the progress of a nation, where the Indonesian government is very con...
Abstrak: The purpose of this study is to describe the application of guided discovery method that ca...
Ideally, the learning process should be carried out by fully involving the activities of students, b...
In essence, teaching and learning activities are a process of interaction or reciprocity between tea...
This study aims to determine the increase in student activity and learning outcomes in Chemistry les...
The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes at SDN 02 Kr...
This research background is motivated by students' low understanding that has been seen in the daily...
This study aims to improve achievement and science learning activities with discovery methods in cla...
This Classroom Action Research was conducted because of the low learning motivation and learning ach...