Dalam Hukum Tanah Nasional ditetapkan bahwa hak atas tanah yang dapat diwakafkan untuk kepentingan peribadatan, pendidikan, dan sosial adalah Hak Milik. Pihak yang mewakafkan tanah disebut wakif, sedangkan pihak yang diserahi tanah wakaf disebut nadzir. Wakaf tanah Hak Milik dibuktikan dengan Akta Ikrar Wakaf yang dibuat oleh Pejabat Pembuat Akta Ikrar Wakaf (PPAIW). Wakaf tanah Hak Milik wajib didaftarkan ke Kantor Pertanahan untuk diterbitkan Sertipikat Wakaf sebagai tanda bukti haknya.The National Land Law stipulated that the rights which can waqf the sake of workship, education, and social are the property. Person who preferred waqf call wakif, while the waqf land assigned land called nadzir. Waqf property right evidenced by the deed of...
This study aims: first, to analyze the development of objects arrangement waqf in perspective Nation...
Waqf is a legal act of wakif to separate and or surrender part of his property to be used forever or...
ABSTRACTLand Replacement before the enactment of PP. 28 Year 1977. Society in Samarinda, especially ...
oai:ojs.pkp.sfu.ca:article/10Dalam Hukum Tanah Nasional ditetapkan bahwa hak atas tanah yang dapat d...
ABSTRAK Objek kajian pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana undang-undang memberikan kepastian hukum t...
Waqf is a legal act of wakif to separate and / or surrender some of his property to be used permanen...
Penelitian yang berjudul “Kedudukan Tanah Wakaf Yang Dikuasai Ahli Waris” ini bertujuan untuk lebih ...
Wakaf is one manifestation of love to Allah SWT, seeking ridho 'by donating some of their possession...
Waqf is a noble and commendable act carried out by a person by setting aside part of his wealth in t...
Abstrak Berangkat dari adanya kekosongan hukum yang menjelaskan posisi sertifikasi tanah wakaf sert...
This paper discusses the exchange of waqf land and the withdrawal of waqf property. Waqf is a legal ...
Existence nadzir very important in maintaining and managing the waqf. According to Law No. 41 of 20...
The issue of land ownership has become a fundamental problem in Indonesia. One of the conflicts is a...
The problem of recording waqf pledges is a sensitive and very complex problem that can lead to confl...
The implementation of waqf that occurs in the omben subdistrict is still done by religious law or on...
This study aims: first, to analyze the development of objects arrangement waqf in perspective Nation...
Waqf is a legal act of wakif to separate and or surrender part of his property to be used forever or...
ABSTRACTLand Replacement before the enactment of PP. 28 Year 1977. Society in Samarinda, especially ...
oai:ojs.pkp.sfu.ca:article/10Dalam Hukum Tanah Nasional ditetapkan bahwa hak atas tanah yang dapat d...
ABSTRAK Objek kajian pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana undang-undang memberikan kepastian hukum t...
Waqf is a legal act of wakif to separate and / or surrender some of his property to be used permanen...
Penelitian yang berjudul “Kedudukan Tanah Wakaf Yang Dikuasai Ahli Waris” ini bertujuan untuk lebih ...
Wakaf is one manifestation of love to Allah SWT, seeking ridho 'by donating some of their possession...
Waqf is a noble and commendable act carried out by a person by setting aside part of his wealth in t...
Abstrak Berangkat dari adanya kekosongan hukum yang menjelaskan posisi sertifikasi tanah wakaf sert...
This paper discusses the exchange of waqf land and the withdrawal of waqf property. Waqf is a legal ...
Existence nadzir very important in maintaining and managing the waqf. According to Law No. 41 of 20...
The issue of land ownership has become a fundamental problem in Indonesia. One of the conflicts is a...
The problem of recording waqf pledges is a sensitive and very complex problem that can lead to confl...
The implementation of waqf that occurs in the omben subdistrict is still done by religious law or on...
This study aims: first, to analyze the development of objects arrangement waqf in perspective Nation...
Waqf is a legal act of wakif to separate and or surrender part of his property to be used forever or...
ABSTRACTLand Replacement before the enactment of PP. 28 Year 1977. Society in Samarinda, especially ...