Understatement and Overstatement in Media Coverage of Coronavirus Covid 19 Pandemic

  • Al-Azzawi, P. P. (PhD)
  • Rhaif, M. A. (MA)
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Publication date
January 2022
Academia Science


People's knowledge and beliefs about the world are shaped by what they see and read in the media. However, reporters may change the facts to support a certain point of view or to make a story more interesting, which can lead to biassed or even false reports. This study aims at investigating the way that news agencies and writers maximize and minimize the danger of Coronavirus COVID 19 through two linguistic strategies: overstatement and understatement. The main concern of this study is to tackle the role of overstatement and understatement in ten news articles about Coronavirus COVID 19 pandemic taken from CNN news agency and Fox news agency, five from each. Accordingly, this study concerns itself to answer following question: (1) Which of ...

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