Upaya Peningkatkan Status Pengetahuan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut pada Masyarakat dengan Metode Penyuluhan FlipChart dan Video di Desa Lanna

  • Aldilawati, S. (Sari)
  • Wijaya, M. F. (Muhammad)
  • Hasanuddin, N. R. (Nur)
Open PDF
Publication date
January 2022
PT.Mantaya Idea Batara


This community service is carried out as a form of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, community service by raising the theme of the importance of maintaining and maintaining dental and oral health in children, pregnant women and the elderly. Dental and oral disease is one of the public health problems in Indonesia. This is based on reports of the high prevalence of sufferers of the disease, and is one of the top ten sequences of diseases that are most often complained of by the public. Dental and oral health is closely related to body health. The condition of the mouth and teeth that are not maintained will cause many problems and discomfort. In an effort to get good oral and dental health, awareness is needed to implement a healthy lifest...

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