Signaling mechanisms for the selective vasoconstrictor effect of norbormide on the rat small arteries

  • Bova, Sergio
  • Trevisi, Lucia
  • Cima, Lorenzo
  • Luciani, Sisto
  • Golovina, V
  • Cargnelli, Gabriella
Publication date
January 2001


Norbormide (NRB) is a selective vasoconstrictor agent of the rat small vessels. The mechanisms underlying the selective vasoconstrictor effect of NRB are unknown. To investigate whether phospholipase C (PLC) signaling pathway plays a role in NRB-induced vasoconstriction, we performed experiments in NRB-contracted tissues, namely, rat caudal arteries (RCA) and smooth muscle cells derived from rat mesenteric arteries (MVSMCs). An NRB-insensitive vessel, namely rat aorta (RA), served as a control tissue. In RCA and RA we measured either isometric tension or formation of inositol phosphates (IPs), the latter taken as an index of PLC activation. In MVSMCs, we measured intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]cyt). In the presence of exter...

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