International audienceWe discuss the efficiency of stellar gravity torques as a mechanism to account for the feeding of the central engines of four low luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN): NGC 4321 (HII nucleus/LINER), NGC 4826 (HII nucleus/LINER), NGC 4579 (LINER 1.9/Seyfert 1.9) and NGC 6951 (Seyfert 2). These galaxies have been observed as part of the NUclei of GAlaxies-(NUGA) CO project, aimed at the study of AGN fueling mechanisms. Our calculations allow us to derive the characteristic time-scales for gas flows and discuss whether torques from the stellar potentials are efficient enough to drain the gas angular momentum in the inner 1 kpc of these galaxies. The stellar potentials are derived using high-resolution near infrared (NIR...