Tick-borne zoonoses (TBZ) are emerging diseases worldwide. A large amount of information (e.g. case ...
Several different tools were developed to assess and monitor antimicrobial use and applied in the fi...
The global network of specialists working on ticks and tick-borne diseases have a newsletter Integra...
Out of the five tested models, “YOLOv5” achieved the best detection performance with a precision (AP...
First ever study in North Africa for the determination of sero and molecular prevalence of the CCHF ...
The research conducted was the first ever study in Tunisia to identify the low susceptibility of Que...
All 4 extension methods have been implemented and a final survey has been conducted. Analysis of res...
The manuals have been distributed to field researchers to be used in 7 countries: Senegal, Mali, Bur...
The tool has been used in other projects outside the CRP Livestock and approach has been consolidate...
The "silage in bags" technology developed by private enterprises is being scaled through innovation ...
An eSurveillance system was implemented in Marsabit, Kenya including collection of information on dr...
The tool has been developed through an interdisciplinary team involving disease experts, epidemiolog...
Four seed cleaning units with adapted sieves for different sized seeds are starting to be used succe...
Tool has been used by local partners in six countries in East and West Africa (Senegal, Mali, Burkin...
Tool developed and made available on the app store and disseminated to sub-national levels through f...
Tick-borne zoonoses (TBZ) are emerging diseases worldwide. A large amount of information (e.g. case ...
Several different tools were developed to assess and monitor antimicrobial use and applied in the fi...
The global network of specialists working on ticks and tick-borne diseases have a newsletter Integra...
Out of the five tested models, “YOLOv5” achieved the best detection performance with a precision (AP...
First ever study in North Africa for the determination of sero and molecular prevalence of the CCHF ...
The research conducted was the first ever study in Tunisia to identify the low susceptibility of Que...
All 4 extension methods have been implemented and a final survey has been conducted. Analysis of res...
The manuals have been distributed to field researchers to be used in 7 countries: Senegal, Mali, Bur...
The tool has been used in other projects outside the CRP Livestock and approach has been consolidate...
The "silage in bags" technology developed by private enterprises is being scaled through innovation ...
An eSurveillance system was implemented in Marsabit, Kenya including collection of information on dr...
The tool has been developed through an interdisciplinary team involving disease experts, epidemiolog...
Four seed cleaning units with adapted sieves for different sized seeds are starting to be used succe...
Tool has been used by local partners in six countries in East and West Africa (Senegal, Mali, Burkin...
Tool developed and made available on the app store and disseminated to sub-national levels through f...
Tick-borne zoonoses (TBZ) are emerging diseases worldwide. A large amount of information (e.g. case ...
Several different tools were developed to assess and monitor antimicrobial use and applied in the fi...
The global network of specialists working on ticks and tick-borne diseases have a newsletter Integra...