Diplomska naloga analizira vlogo monologa v dramski strukturi drame Jez Conorja McPhersona. Najprej na podlagi literature opredeli pojem monolog in se osredotoči na njegovo vlogo v sodobni dramatiki, predvsem v postdramskem gledališču. Razišče tudi razloge za množično uporabo monologa v sodobni irski dramatiki. Nato se osredotoči na monolog pri McPhersonu, pri čemer z analizo njegovih najbolj znanih monoloških del izvleče glavne skupne lastnosti in funkcijo monologa v njih. Sledi natančen pregled monologov v drami Jez in njihova analiza ter umestitev v celoto drame. Ugotavlja, da monologi v drami predstavljajo naracije, skozi katere se vzpostavi posebne vrste komunikacija med poslušalci in pripovedovalci. Ta postopoma postaja vedno globlja ...
This Bachelor Thesis is focused on the problematics and analysis of three plays by Martin McDonagh, ...
This bachelor thesis focuses on detailing Bertolt Brecht's epic theatre and finding its traces in tw...
I go from reading to performing. Descriptions from a monologue practice is a dissertation based on a...
The thesis deals with the notion of monologue and monologicity as a peculiar means of expression of ...
This thesis deals with theme The actor and the monologue. After defining the concept of monologue, t...
Analiza monologa in dialoga v pripovednem besedilu odgovarja na vprašanje, kdo pripoveduje (pripoved...
Pro svou diplomovou práci jsem si vybrala téma vnitřního monologu v díle Miguela Delibese, neboť již...
This dissertation examines a very popular and widespread trend in contemporary British and Irish the...
Słowo dyskurs bardzo często pojawia się we współczesnych badaniach obejmujących nauki społeczne i hu...
U ovom smo radu opisali i analizirali dramaturgijska obilježja predstave „Mnogolozi (Mi ne prodajemo...
The aim of this thesis is to critique a body of monologue drama by Irish playwrights during the peri...
Prispevek predstavi izbrani literarni deli slovenske pisateljice Lucije Stepančič s posebno naslonit...
Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf ab, die starke Hinwendung zum Monolog, die sich im europäischen ...
Tematem niniejszej pracy jest rozwój bhany – gatunku klasycznego dramatu sanskryckiego, który można ...
The article examines the features of modern Polish monodrama and monodramatic strategies of modern P...
This Bachelor Thesis is focused on the problematics and analysis of three plays by Martin McDonagh, ...
This bachelor thesis focuses on detailing Bertolt Brecht's epic theatre and finding its traces in tw...
I go from reading to performing. Descriptions from a monologue practice is a dissertation based on a...
The thesis deals with the notion of monologue and monologicity as a peculiar means of expression of ...
This thesis deals with theme The actor and the monologue. After defining the concept of monologue, t...
Analiza monologa in dialoga v pripovednem besedilu odgovarja na vprašanje, kdo pripoveduje (pripoved...
Pro svou diplomovou práci jsem si vybrala téma vnitřního monologu v díle Miguela Delibese, neboť již...
This dissertation examines a very popular and widespread trend in contemporary British and Irish the...
Słowo dyskurs bardzo często pojawia się we współczesnych badaniach obejmujących nauki społeczne i hu...
U ovom smo radu opisali i analizirali dramaturgijska obilježja predstave „Mnogolozi (Mi ne prodajemo...
The aim of this thesis is to critique a body of monologue drama by Irish playwrights during the peri...
Prispevek predstavi izbrani literarni deli slovenske pisateljice Lucije Stepančič s posebno naslonit...
Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf ab, die starke Hinwendung zum Monolog, die sich im europäischen ...
Tematem niniejszej pracy jest rozwój bhany – gatunku klasycznego dramatu sanskryckiego, który można ...
The article examines the features of modern Polish monodrama and monodramatic strategies of modern P...
This Bachelor Thesis is focused on the problematics and analysis of three plays by Martin McDonagh, ...
This bachelor thesis focuses on detailing Bertolt Brecht's epic theatre and finding its traces in tw...
I go from reading to performing. Descriptions from a monologue practice is a dissertation based on a...