Georgia Architectural and Historic Properties Survey of Grant St., Rebecca, Turner County, Ga., March 1981

  • Smith, Bartholomew
Publication date
March 1981
South Georgia Area Planning and Development Commission


Georgia Architectural and Historic Properties Survey of Grant St., Rebecca, Turner County, Ga., March 1981. 1 electronic record and assets. Digitized from originals. 1 PDF. 3 scans. 1 photograph. 2400 DPI TIF. 300 DPI 4x6 JPG. 89.9 MB (94,352,334 bytes).Georgia Architectural and Historic Properties Survey of Grant St., Rebecca, Turner County, Ga., March 1981. 1 story double-pen rectangular house with asbestos siding and gabled roof; shed porch is supported by turned spindle posts; house features 1/1 double sash windows and interior chimney; set upon brick piers; two gables in front. Fair condition. Date of Construction: c. 1910. Not significant as part of a potential National Register historic district. Area of older structures not exten...

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