This study developed and validated a measure that captures variation in common local idioms of distress and mental health problems experienced by women in South Sudan, a country which has experienced over 50 years of violence, displacement, and political, social, and economic insecurity. This measure was developed during a randomized controlled trial of the Adolescent Girls Initiative (AGI) and used qualitative Free Listing (n = 102) and Key Informant interviews (n = 27). Internal reliability and convergent validity were assessed using data from 3,137 randomly selected women (ages 14-47) in 100 communities in South Sudan. Test-retest and inter-rater reliability were assessed using responses from 180 women (ages 15-58) who completed the meas...
Background Alcohol use is a major public health problem with vast implications for poor, war-torn co...
Mental health is considered an integral part of human health. Reliable and valid measurement instrum...
textabstractBackground: This study took place to enable the measurement of the effects on mental hea...
Abstract Background Studies of psychological distress in Sierra Leone have typically used measures w...
Ertl V, Pfeiffer A, Saile R, Schauer E, Elbert T, Neuner F. Validation of a Mental Health Assessment...
This paper presents an approach for evaluating the reliability and validity of mental health measure...
Objectives To examine the current perceived needs of the general population in a war-affected settin...
With the growing burden of mental health disorders worldwide, alongside efforts to expand availabili...
Abstract Background The signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in January 2005 marked the end ...
Background: It has been recognized that explanatory models (EMs) of mental distress play an importan...
Background: In Sub Saharan Africa, there has been limited research on instruments to identify specif...
Introduction: To comply with its new mental health bill, Ghana needs to integrate mental health with...
Purpose: Mental disorders are among the leading causes of disability among adolescents aged 10-19 ye...
Aims: To determine the general characteristics of people with mental disorders in traditional healer...
Completed in South Sudan the research comprised people who remained in-country throughout the civil ...
Background Alcohol use is a major public health problem with vast implications for poor, war-torn co...
Mental health is considered an integral part of human health. Reliable and valid measurement instrum...
textabstractBackground: This study took place to enable the measurement of the effects on mental hea...
Abstract Background Studies of psychological distress in Sierra Leone have typically used measures w...
Ertl V, Pfeiffer A, Saile R, Schauer E, Elbert T, Neuner F. Validation of a Mental Health Assessment...
This paper presents an approach for evaluating the reliability and validity of mental health measure...
Objectives To examine the current perceived needs of the general population in a war-affected settin...
With the growing burden of mental health disorders worldwide, alongside efforts to expand availabili...
Abstract Background The signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in January 2005 marked the end ...
Background: It has been recognized that explanatory models (EMs) of mental distress play an importan...
Background: In Sub Saharan Africa, there has been limited research on instruments to identify specif...
Introduction: To comply with its new mental health bill, Ghana needs to integrate mental health with...
Purpose: Mental disorders are among the leading causes of disability among adolescents aged 10-19 ye...
Aims: To determine the general characteristics of people with mental disorders in traditional healer...
Completed in South Sudan the research comprised people who remained in-country throughout the civil ...
Background Alcohol use is a major public health problem with vast implications for poor, war-torn co...
Mental health is considered an integral part of human health. Reliable and valid measurement instrum...
textabstractBackground: This study took place to enable the measurement of the effects on mental hea...