International audienceSeed size is often considered to be an important trait for seed quality, i.e., vigour and germination performance. It is believed that seed size reflects the quantity of reserve material and thus the C and N sources available for post-germinative processes. However, mechanisms linking seed size and quality are poorly documented. In particular, specific metabolic changes when seed size varies are not well-known. To gain insight into this aspect, we examined seed size and composition across different accessions of barrel medic (Medicago truncatula Gaertn.) from the genetic core collection. We conducted multi-elemental analyses and isotope measurements, as well as exact mass GC–MS metabolomics. There was a systematic incr...
Prod 2019-88f BAP EA GEAPSI INRA DOCTInternational audienceLegumes are able to produce high-protein ...
Prod 2019-109e BAP GEAPSI INRA DOCT Prod 2019-109e BAP GEAPSI INRA DOCT Prod 2019-109e BAP GEAPSI IN...
International audienceHypocotyl elongation in the dark is a crucial process to ensure seedling emerg...
International audienceSeed size is often considered to be an important trait for seed quality, i.e.,...
Seed size is often considered to be an important trait for seed quality, i.e., vigour and germinatio...
Legume seeds are important as protein and oil source for human diet. Understanding how their final s...
Prod 2019-55a BAP GEAPSI CT1 BAPInternational audienceAbstract Bigger seeds represent an agronomic a...
International audienceGrain legumes are highly valuable plant species, as they produce seeds with hi...
Seedling pre-emergence is a critical phase of development for successful crop establishment because ...
Legume seed store considerable protein and oil, and also starch in some species, however, the compos...
Background and aims Heterotrophic growth relies on remobilisation of seed reserves and mineral absor...
none7noDuring seed imbibition, lipids are engaged in membrane reorganization while facing free radic...
Background: Camelina Camelina sativa L. is a promising oilseed crop that may provide sustainable fee...
Because high‐quality seeds are essential for successful crop production in challenging environments...
International audienceDespite the essential role of specialized metabolites (SMs) in the interaction...
Prod 2019-88f BAP EA GEAPSI INRA DOCTInternational audienceLegumes are able to produce high-protein ...
Prod 2019-109e BAP GEAPSI INRA DOCT Prod 2019-109e BAP GEAPSI INRA DOCT Prod 2019-109e BAP GEAPSI IN...
International audienceHypocotyl elongation in the dark is a crucial process to ensure seedling emerg...
International audienceSeed size is often considered to be an important trait for seed quality, i.e.,...
Seed size is often considered to be an important trait for seed quality, i.e., vigour and germinatio...
Legume seeds are important as protein and oil source for human diet. Understanding how their final s...
Prod 2019-55a BAP GEAPSI CT1 BAPInternational audienceAbstract Bigger seeds represent an agronomic a...
International audienceGrain legumes are highly valuable plant species, as they produce seeds with hi...
Seedling pre-emergence is a critical phase of development for successful crop establishment because ...
Legume seed store considerable protein and oil, and also starch in some species, however, the compos...
Background and aims Heterotrophic growth relies on remobilisation of seed reserves and mineral absor...
none7noDuring seed imbibition, lipids are engaged in membrane reorganization while facing free radic...
Background: Camelina Camelina sativa L. is a promising oilseed crop that may provide sustainable fee...
Because high‐quality seeds are essential for successful crop production in challenging environments...
International audienceDespite the essential role of specialized metabolites (SMs) in the interaction...
Prod 2019-88f BAP EA GEAPSI INRA DOCTInternational audienceLegumes are able to produce high-protein ...
Prod 2019-109e BAP GEAPSI INRA DOCT Prod 2019-109e BAP GEAPSI INRA DOCT Prod 2019-109e BAP GEAPSI IN...
International audienceHypocotyl elongation in the dark is a crucial process to ensure seedling emerg...