Light red and light blue colors represent the "distribution" of the sample, while dark colors are the average result. Light gray (not an additional graphic) shows the blend of color shades, representing the standard deviation of the 48 samples mean for positive and negative groups.</p
Mean percentages of red, green and blue pixels in the PAR-OCTA and PR-OCTA scans of the three study ...
Visibility evaluation samples with a total of 16 different color combinations.</p
<p>Grey represents the population with no defined CVD risk factors, and the other four colors repres...
Here are the spectra for each measures: on each individual and on each color patch
Here are the spectra for each measures: on each individual and on each color patch
<p>Reflectance (%, mean ± SE) spectra of two acrylic paints, dark brown (black curve) and light brow...
<p>Each set of charts shows the mean CT and SD for each gene evaluated. OP and RP groups are shown i...
The stimuli of colour hues were on the left; the stimuli of brightness were on the right). L-grey me...
<p>UV-Vis spectra for the viable blue pigment sample 44 as a function of time (red = 2, green = 3,...
<p>Color scale table of normalized Rand index values for Group Average (green is the highest and it ...
<p>Treatments include three types of white LEDs (cool, warm and neutral), red + blue (RB), red + gre...
The prior statistics of object colors is of much interest because extensive statistical investigatio...
Study the content of images is considered an important topic in which reasonable and accurate analys...
<p>(a) Average over all spectra in the FRED database. (b) Coefficient of variation as function of wa...
Distribution of self-reported skin tone (upper panel) and skin tone assessed by the rater (lower pan...
Mean percentages of red, green and blue pixels in the PAR-OCTA and PR-OCTA scans of the three study ...
Visibility evaluation samples with a total of 16 different color combinations.</p
<p>Grey represents the population with no defined CVD risk factors, and the other four colors repres...
Here are the spectra for each measures: on each individual and on each color patch
Here are the spectra for each measures: on each individual and on each color patch
<p>Reflectance (%, mean ± SE) spectra of two acrylic paints, dark brown (black curve) and light brow...
<p>Each set of charts shows the mean CT and SD for each gene evaluated. OP and RP groups are shown i...
The stimuli of colour hues were on the left; the stimuli of brightness were on the right). L-grey me...
<p>UV-Vis spectra for the viable blue pigment sample 44 as a function of time (red = 2, green = 3,...
<p>Color scale table of normalized Rand index values for Group Average (green is the highest and it ...
<p>Treatments include three types of white LEDs (cool, warm and neutral), red + blue (RB), red + gre...
The prior statistics of object colors is of much interest because extensive statistical investigatio...
Study the content of images is considered an important topic in which reasonable and accurate analys...
<p>(a) Average over all spectra in the FRED database. (b) Coefficient of variation as function of wa...
Distribution of self-reported skin tone (upper panel) and skin tone assessed by the rater (lower pan...
Mean percentages of red, green and blue pixels in the PAR-OCTA and PR-OCTA scans of the three study ...
Visibility evaluation samples with a total of 16 different color combinations.</p
<p>Grey represents the population with no defined CVD risk factors, and the other four colors repres...