Correlation coefficients with age and sex differences in the K-SF-42-J subscales.</p
Correlation coefficients of the K-SF-42-J with the Mini-K-J, trait emotional intelligence, well-bein...
<p>Correlation coefficients r are presented with their corresponding p value. n, number of observati...
<p>Correlation coefficients and associated probabilities for the relationship between the index of p...
Correlation coefficients between 6MWD and anthropometrics/demographic data for the total group and f...
Partial standard correlation coefficients of age with time intervals after adjustment for sex and he...
<p>Average correlation coefficients calculated within the groups of males, groups of females, groups...
Pearson correlation coefficients of unscaled and scaled peak VO2 with body size and age.</p
Pearson partial correlation coefficients between age and metabolite concentrations in extract soluti...
Correlation coefficients among different traits based on data from each treatment for the two years....
<p>Values of correlation coefficients in non-linear, logarithmic regression analysis between IJS and...
Individual- and dyad-level correlation coefficients between the investigated variables.</p
<p>Number of genes and correlation coefficients in each category. The average correlation coefficien...
<p>Cross-sectional relationships between age and CSF BDNF concentration by gender.</p
Phenotypic correlation between measured traits, male above diagonal and female below diagonal.</p
<p>Kendall’s correlation analysis between parameters (mean value of T2 and ADC) and age.</p
Correlation coefficients of the K-SF-42-J with the Mini-K-J, trait emotional intelligence, well-bein...
<p>Correlation coefficients r are presented with their corresponding p value. n, number of observati...
<p>Correlation coefficients and associated probabilities for the relationship between the index of p...
Correlation coefficients between 6MWD and anthropometrics/demographic data for the total group and f...
Partial standard correlation coefficients of age with time intervals after adjustment for sex and he...
<p>Average correlation coefficients calculated within the groups of males, groups of females, groups...
Pearson correlation coefficients of unscaled and scaled peak VO2 with body size and age.</p
Pearson partial correlation coefficients between age and metabolite concentrations in extract soluti...
Correlation coefficients among different traits based on data from each treatment for the two years....
<p>Values of correlation coefficients in non-linear, logarithmic regression analysis between IJS and...
Individual- and dyad-level correlation coefficients between the investigated variables.</p
<p>Number of genes and correlation coefficients in each category. The average correlation coefficien...
<p>Cross-sectional relationships between age and CSF BDNF concentration by gender.</p
Phenotypic correlation between measured traits, male above diagonal and female below diagonal.</p
<p>Kendall’s correlation analysis between parameters (mean value of T2 and ADC) and age.</p
Correlation coefficients of the K-SF-42-J with the Mini-K-J, trait emotional intelligence, well-bein...
<p>Correlation coefficients r are presented with their corresponding p value. n, number of observati...
<p>Correlation coefficients and associated probabilities for the relationship between the index of p...