Additional file 1: Table S1. Oligonucleotides of miRNAs and siRNAs. Table S2. Oligonucleotides used for RT-qPCR. Table S3. Antibodies used for study. Table S4. Oligonucleotides used for ChIP and methylation specific PCR
Additional file 1: Supplement Table 1. Sequences of qRT-PCR primers and oligonucleotides
Figure S1. Reduced expression of Zc3h8 in a second cell line and using a second targeting shRNA lead...
Table S2. Differentially expressed genes in FTO-knockdown MDA-MB-231 cells. (XLSX 764 kb
*denotes Co-First Authorship SuppFile1_MethodsandFigures.docx: Supplementary File 1 Methods and Fig...
*denotes Co-First Authorship SuppFile1_Figures.docx: (Updated) Supplementary File 1 Methods and Fig...
Table S1. The sequences of siRNAs and primer sequences for qRT-PCR used in this study. (XLSX 12 kb
Table S5. Gene expression in MDA-231-miR-218 and MDA-231-miR-ctrl cells. (XLSX 1093 kb
Supplementary methods: RNA sequencing, shRNA transfection, siRNA transfection, Plasmids transfection...
Table S1. List of genes differentially expressed in MKN-45 cells after C12orf59 knockdown using a Hu...
Figure S4. SGI and MS275 inhibit cell proliferation of bsMCF_luc, XtMCF, and LmMCF. (TIF 1491 kb
Table S1. The primers that were used in quantitative real-time PCR reaction. (XLS 9 kb
Figure S5. qPCR verification and validation of gene expression. (A) qPCR verification using the same...
Figure S1. The content of ESA+/CD44+/CD24â cell population within mammosphere culture in MDA-MB-23...
Raw data of microarray analysis. Full list of deregulated miRNAs (>2 fold). 1 represented for MCF-7,...
Table S1 QPCR Primer sequences used, Related to the Methods. Table S2. QPCR Primer sequences used ei...
Additional file 1: Supplement Table 1. Sequences of qRT-PCR primers and oligonucleotides
Figure S1. Reduced expression of Zc3h8 in a second cell line and using a second targeting shRNA lead...
Table S2. Differentially expressed genes in FTO-knockdown MDA-MB-231 cells. (XLSX 764 kb
*denotes Co-First Authorship SuppFile1_MethodsandFigures.docx: Supplementary File 1 Methods and Fig...
*denotes Co-First Authorship SuppFile1_Figures.docx: (Updated) Supplementary File 1 Methods and Fig...
Table S1. The sequences of siRNAs and primer sequences for qRT-PCR used in this study. (XLSX 12 kb
Table S5. Gene expression in MDA-231-miR-218 and MDA-231-miR-ctrl cells. (XLSX 1093 kb
Supplementary methods: RNA sequencing, shRNA transfection, siRNA transfection, Plasmids transfection...
Table S1. List of genes differentially expressed in MKN-45 cells after C12orf59 knockdown using a Hu...
Figure S4. SGI and MS275 inhibit cell proliferation of bsMCF_luc, XtMCF, and LmMCF. (TIF 1491 kb
Table S1. The primers that were used in quantitative real-time PCR reaction. (XLS 9 kb
Figure S5. qPCR verification and validation of gene expression. (A) qPCR verification using the same...
Figure S1. The content of ESA+/CD44+/CD24â cell population within mammosphere culture in MDA-MB-23...
Raw data of microarray analysis. Full list of deregulated miRNAs (>2 fold). 1 represented for MCF-7,...
Table S1 QPCR Primer sequences used, Related to the Methods. Table S2. QPCR Primer sequences used ei...
Additional file 1: Supplement Table 1. Sequences of qRT-PCR primers and oligonucleotides
Figure S1. Reduced expression of Zc3h8 in a second cell line and using a second targeting shRNA lead...
Table S2. Differentially expressed genes in FTO-knockdown MDA-MB-231 cells. (XLSX 764 kb