Thanks to his part in the rediscovery of Lucretius in the Renaissance Poggio Bracciolini has been much in academic news recently. But he was always there as a part of the histories of that moment, in all its twists and turns, as an example of what it was to be a Renaissance humanist in the earlier part of the XVth century. He was born in 1380 and educated first in Arezzo. But he soon moved to Florence to become a notary and from his intellectual contacts there a little after 1403 he became a member of the entourage of Pope Benedict IX to remain all his life a member of the Papal court. But, in true humanist fashion, he was busy always with his writings, taking on a range of general subjects, nobility, the vicissitudes of Fortune and many ot...
During the congress on Paolo Diacono held in Cividale del Friuli in 1899 (eleven centuries after Pao...
At the turn of the fourteenth century (1295-1301), the Florentine Dominican Remigio de’ Girolami pro...
In the summer of 1634 the grand-ducal ambassador resident in France Giovan Battista Gondi made an un...
Thanks to his part in the rediscovery of Lucretius in the Renaissance Poggio Bracciolini has been mu...
Poggius Florentinus delighted in his local identity but he also, famously, had an international care...
The careers of the Curial secretaries Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459) and Leon Battista Alberti (1404...
During the last years of his life, Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459), former Apostolic Secretary and Ch...
This article presents the critical editions of two texts: a letter by the Duke of Milan Filippo Mari...
The Poggio Bracciolini conference was dedicated to Bryn Mawr alumna Phyllis Goodhart Gordan (1913-19...
Manuscript Magliabechiano VIII.1445 of the Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze seems to be the only witn...
Seeking out rare and precious texts, or book hunting, was a favorite pursuit of the Renaissance huma...
Between 1290 and 1310, two Mendicant friars active in Florence dealt with the controversial issue of...
Giulio Pignatti or Pignatta (1679-1751), a painter from Modena who specialized in portraiture, arriv...
The Specchio interiore (Interior Mirror) is a work by the dominican Fra' Battista da Crema partly de...
The analysis of the two versions of the life of Pope Sergius II (844-847) published by Louis Duchesn...
During the congress on Paolo Diacono held in Cividale del Friuli in 1899 (eleven centuries after Pao...
At the turn of the fourteenth century (1295-1301), the Florentine Dominican Remigio de’ Girolami pro...
In the summer of 1634 the grand-ducal ambassador resident in France Giovan Battista Gondi made an un...
Thanks to his part in the rediscovery of Lucretius in the Renaissance Poggio Bracciolini has been mu...
Poggius Florentinus delighted in his local identity but he also, famously, had an international care...
The careers of the Curial secretaries Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459) and Leon Battista Alberti (1404...
During the last years of his life, Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459), former Apostolic Secretary and Ch...
This article presents the critical editions of two texts: a letter by the Duke of Milan Filippo Mari...
The Poggio Bracciolini conference was dedicated to Bryn Mawr alumna Phyllis Goodhart Gordan (1913-19...
Manuscript Magliabechiano VIII.1445 of the Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze seems to be the only witn...
Seeking out rare and precious texts, or book hunting, was a favorite pursuit of the Renaissance huma...
Between 1290 and 1310, two Mendicant friars active in Florence dealt with the controversial issue of...
Giulio Pignatti or Pignatta (1679-1751), a painter from Modena who specialized in portraiture, arriv...
The Specchio interiore (Interior Mirror) is a work by the dominican Fra' Battista da Crema partly de...
The analysis of the two versions of the life of Pope Sergius II (844-847) published by Louis Duchesn...
During the congress on Paolo Diacono held in Cividale del Friuli in 1899 (eleven centuries after Pao...
At the turn of the fourteenth century (1295-1301), the Florentine Dominican Remigio de’ Girolami pro...
In the summer of 1634 the grand-ducal ambassador resident in France Giovan Battista Gondi made an un...