Vetch-Rye Soil Building Cover Crop on Clarence Adams and Son Field

  • Davis, D. O.
Publication date
July 1952


Photograph of Hubert Adams, and W. T. Fountain, soil conservationist, showing off vetch growth. People shown in photo go as followed from left to right: 1. Hubert Adams, 2. W. T. Fountain, soil conservationist. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Vetch-Rye soil building cover crop. Spring 1952. Land Capability Class III land. 6-GP Soil Unit. Moderately severe erosion cropland. Field planted to Austrian winterpeas [sic] in Fall 1950. 150 pounds super phosphate applied at planting time. Austrian Winterpeas [sic] followed by popcorn 1951. 150 pounds 5-10-5 applied at planting time. Vetch and rye planted in fall 1951. 200 pounds of rock phosphate was applied at planting time. 2 tons of dry weight material was allowed to go on the land to be ...

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