Dictionary-based compression schemes are the most commonly used data compression schemes since they appeared in the foundational paper of Ziv and Lempel in 1977, and generally referred to as LZ77. Their work is the base of Zip, gZip, 7-Zip and many other compression software utilities. Some of these compression schemes use variants of the greedy approach to parse the text into dictionary phrases; others have left the greedy approach to improve the compression ratio. Recently, two bit-optimal parsing algorithms have been presented filling the gap between theory and best practice. We present a survey on the parsing problem for dictionary-based text compression, identifying noticeable results of both a theoretical and practical nature, whic...
AbstractLinear-time optimal parsing algorithms are rare in the dictionary-based branch of the data c...
We introduce pseudo-prefix dictionaries, which allow an approximation scheme for optimal compression...
One of the most famous and investigated lossless data-compression schemes is the one introduced by L...
Dictionary-based compression schemes are the most commonly used data compression schemes since they ...
Dictionary-based compression algorithms include a parsing strategy to transform the input text into ...
This paper considers the following question: once a (dynamic) dictionary construction scheme is sele...
Dictionary-based compression algorithms include a parsing strategy to transform the input text into ...
Dictionary-based compression algorithms include a parsing strategy to transform the input text into ...
This research article presents a new efficient lossless text compression algorithm based on an exist...
AbstractA lossless dictionary-based data compression technique has been proposed in this paper which...
Parallel algorithms for lossless data compression via dictionary compression using optimal, longest ...
Linear-time optimal parsing algorithms are rare in the dictionary-based branch of the data compressi...
Abstract. Linear time optimal parsing algorithms are very rare in the dictionary based branch of the...
A new algorithm for text compression is presented. The basic idea of the algorithm is to define a un...
A text written using symbols from a given alphabet can be compressed using the Huffman code, which m...
AbstractLinear-time optimal parsing algorithms are rare in the dictionary-based branch of the data c...
We introduce pseudo-prefix dictionaries, which allow an approximation scheme for optimal compression...
One of the most famous and investigated lossless data-compression schemes is the one introduced by L...
Dictionary-based compression schemes are the most commonly used data compression schemes since they ...
Dictionary-based compression algorithms include a parsing strategy to transform the input text into ...
This paper considers the following question: once a (dynamic) dictionary construction scheme is sele...
Dictionary-based compression algorithms include a parsing strategy to transform the input text into ...
Dictionary-based compression algorithms include a parsing strategy to transform the input text into ...
This research article presents a new efficient lossless text compression algorithm based on an exist...
AbstractA lossless dictionary-based data compression technique has been proposed in this paper which...
Parallel algorithms for lossless data compression via dictionary compression using optimal, longest ...
Linear-time optimal parsing algorithms are rare in the dictionary-based branch of the data compressi...
Abstract. Linear time optimal parsing algorithms are very rare in the dictionary based branch of the...
A new algorithm for text compression is presented. The basic idea of the algorithm is to define a un...
A text written using symbols from a given alphabet can be compressed using the Huffman code, which m...
AbstractLinear-time optimal parsing algorithms are rare in the dictionary-based branch of the data c...
We introduce pseudo-prefix dictionaries, which allow an approximation scheme for optimal compression...
One of the most famous and investigated lossless data-compression schemes is the one introduced by L...