International audienceWe discuss the cosmological constraints on the dark energy equation of state in the presence of primordial variations in the fine structure constant. We find that the constraints from CMB data alone on w and the Hubble constant are much weaker when variations in the fine structure constant are permitted. Vice versa, constraints on the fine structure constant are relaxed by more than 50% when dark energy models different from a cosmological constant are considered
We study the variable cosmological constant model with the interaction between dark energy and matte...
The dark energy component of the Universe is often interpreted either in terms of a cosmological con...
Numerous upcoming observations, such as WFIRST, BOSS, BigBOSS, LSST, Euclid, and Planck, will constr...
International audienceWe discuss the cosmological constraints on the dark energy equation of state i...
We discuss the cosmological constraints on the dark energy equation of state in the presence of prim...
We discuss present and future cosmological constraints on variations of the fine structure constant ...
We use recent astrophysical and local tests of the stability of the fine-structure constant, α, to c...
We have reanalysed constraints on the equation of state parameter, w_Q = P/rho, of the dark energy, ...
We combine recent measurements of cosmic microwave background anisotropies, supernovae luminosity di...
New Cosmic Microwave Background, Galaxy Clustering and Supernovae type Ia data are increasingly cons...
We investigate the impact of a nonstandard time evolution of the dark matter component on current c...
Cosmological dark energy is a natural source of variation of the fine structure constant. Using a mo...
We investigate a link between the running of the fine structure constant $\alpha$ and a time evolvin...
We introduce a simple parametrization of the dark energy equation of state, \omega, which is motivat...
We study dependence of the CMB temperature anisotropy spectrum on the value of the fine structure co...
We study the variable cosmological constant model with the interaction between dark energy and matte...
The dark energy component of the Universe is often interpreted either in terms of a cosmological con...
Numerous upcoming observations, such as WFIRST, BOSS, BigBOSS, LSST, Euclid, and Planck, will constr...
International audienceWe discuss the cosmological constraints on the dark energy equation of state i...
We discuss the cosmological constraints on the dark energy equation of state in the presence of prim...
We discuss present and future cosmological constraints on variations of the fine structure constant ...
We use recent astrophysical and local tests of the stability of the fine-structure constant, α, to c...
We have reanalysed constraints on the equation of state parameter, w_Q = P/rho, of the dark energy, ...
We combine recent measurements of cosmic microwave background anisotropies, supernovae luminosity di...
New Cosmic Microwave Background, Galaxy Clustering and Supernovae type Ia data are increasingly cons...
We investigate the impact of a nonstandard time evolution of the dark matter component on current c...
Cosmological dark energy is a natural source of variation of the fine structure constant. Using a mo...
We investigate a link between the running of the fine structure constant $\alpha$ and a time evolvin...
We introduce a simple parametrization of the dark energy equation of state, \omega, which is motivat...
We study dependence of the CMB temperature anisotropy spectrum on the value of the fine structure co...
We study the variable cosmological constant model with the interaction between dark energy and matte...
The dark energy component of the Universe is often interpreted either in terms of a cosmological con...
Numerous upcoming observations, such as WFIRST, BOSS, BigBOSS, LSST, Euclid, and Planck, will constr...