We introduce a tool that solves the Schr\"odinger-Euler-Poisson system of equations and allows the study of the interaction between ultralight bosonic dark matter, whose dynamics is described with the Schr\"odinger-Poisson system and luminous matter which, as a first approximation, is modeled with a single component compressible ideal fluid. The two matter fields are coupled through the Poisson equation, whose source is the addition of both, dark matter and gas densities. We describe the numerical methods used to solve the system of equations and present tests for each of the two components, that show the accuracy and convergence properties of the code. As simple possible applications we present some toy scenarios: i) the merger between a c...
We describe the model-independent mechanism by which dark matter and dark matter structures heavier ...
We present constraints on the masses of extremely light bosons dubbed fuzzy dark matter (FDM) from L...
We propose a novel mechanism with two component dark matter models. The subdominant dark matter can ...
While dark matter accounts for approximately 85% of the matter content of the observable universe, i...
We present the results of a full cosmological simulation with the new code SCALAR , where dark matte...
Fully 3D cosmological simulations of scalar field dark matter with self-interactions, also known as ...
Fully 3D cosmological simulations of scalar field dark matter with self-interactions, also known as ...
We investigate a simple model for a galactic halo under the assumption that it is dominated by a dar...
Despite being a cornerstone of the standard model of cosmology, the exact nature of dark matter (DM)...
In hierarchical models of structure formation, the first galaxies form in low-mass dark matter poten...
Scalar Field Dark Matter (SFDM) comprised of ultralight bosons has attracted great interest as an al...
We investigate cosmological structure formation in Fuzzy Dark Matter (FDM) with an attractive self-i...
We present constraints on the masses of extremely light bosons dubbed fuzzy dark matter from Lyman- ...
We present a dark fluid model described as a non-viscous, non-relativistic, rotating, and self-gravi...
We compare supernovae and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations data to the predictions of a cosmological mod...
We describe the model-independent mechanism by which dark matter and dark matter structures heavier ...
We present constraints on the masses of extremely light bosons dubbed fuzzy dark matter (FDM) from L...
We propose a novel mechanism with two component dark matter models. The subdominant dark matter can ...
While dark matter accounts for approximately 85% of the matter content of the observable universe, i...
We present the results of a full cosmological simulation with the new code SCALAR , where dark matte...
Fully 3D cosmological simulations of scalar field dark matter with self-interactions, also known as ...
Fully 3D cosmological simulations of scalar field dark matter with self-interactions, also known as ...
We investigate a simple model for a galactic halo under the assumption that it is dominated by a dar...
Despite being a cornerstone of the standard model of cosmology, the exact nature of dark matter (DM)...
In hierarchical models of structure formation, the first galaxies form in low-mass dark matter poten...
Scalar Field Dark Matter (SFDM) comprised of ultralight bosons has attracted great interest as an al...
We investigate cosmological structure formation in Fuzzy Dark Matter (FDM) with an attractive self-i...
We present constraints on the masses of extremely light bosons dubbed fuzzy dark matter from Lyman- ...
We present a dark fluid model described as a non-viscous, non-relativistic, rotating, and self-gravi...
We compare supernovae and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations data to the predictions of a cosmological mod...
We describe the model-independent mechanism by which dark matter and dark matter structures heavier ...
We present constraints on the masses of extremely light bosons dubbed fuzzy dark matter (FDM) from L...
We propose a novel mechanism with two component dark matter models. The subdominant dark matter can ...