Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot skolotāju emocionālās izdegšanas savstarpējās sakarības starp psiholoģisko distancēšanos no darba, pašnovērtēto veselību un emocionālo izdegšanu COVID-19 pandēmijas apstākļos, kad darbs notika gan klātienē, gan attālināti. Pētījumā piedalījās 506 skolotāji no Latvijas vispārizglītojošajām un profesionālajām izglītības iestādēm, lielākā daļa vecumā no 21 līdz 64 gadiem. No visiem pētījuma dalībniekiem datu ievākšanas laikā 269 skolotāji strādāja pamatā klātienē, 237 gan klātienē, gan attālināti un pamatā attālināti. Pētījuma dati ievākti no 2021.gada oktobra līdz decembrim, kad Latvijā COVID-19 infekcijas izplatības ierobežošanas dēļ skolotāju darbs noritēja vai nu pamatā klātienē, vai gan klātienē, gan attālinā...
Today, our society and school are looking for the most effective means of implementing the ever-incr...
Covid-19 pandemic poses significant increase in hazards to professionals’ health and well-being in t...
Burnout syndrome has been around for decades and affects many professions. Burnout is defined as the...
PsiholoģijaPsiholoģijaPsychologyPsychologyBakalaura darba tēma ir – Izdegšanas dimensijas un tipi pe...
PsiholoģijaPsiholoģijaPsychologyPsychologyBakalaura darba tēma ir “Darba pienākumu veikšanas formas ...
Covid-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges for teachers and the resources of teachers hav...
Sabiedrības veselībaVeselības aprūpePublic HealthHealth CareMērķis: Noskaidrot attālināti strādājošo...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the availability of resources has decreased and the risk of burnout on...
The research objective was to investigate the relationship between emotion regulation and social pro...
The research objective was to investigate the relationship between emotion regulation and social pro...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the availability of resources has decreased and the risk of burnout on...
The aim of this study is to investigate relationship between social and psychological indicators and...
Nosaukuns: Latvijas Universitātes medicīnas studentu izdegšanas sindroms un tā saistība ar pašnāvību...
PediatrijaVeselības aprūpePediatricsHealth CareCovid-19 pandēmija turpina radīt nopietnus izaicināju...
The aim of this study is to investigate relationship between social and psychological indicators and...
Today, our society and school are looking for the most effective means of implementing the ever-incr...
Covid-19 pandemic poses significant increase in hazards to professionals’ health and well-being in t...
Burnout syndrome has been around for decades and affects many professions. Burnout is defined as the...
PsiholoģijaPsiholoģijaPsychologyPsychologyBakalaura darba tēma ir – Izdegšanas dimensijas un tipi pe...
PsiholoģijaPsiholoģijaPsychologyPsychologyBakalaura darba tēma ir “Darba pienākumu veikšanas formas ...
Covid-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges for teachers and the resources of teachers hav...
Sabiedrības veselībaVeselības aprūpePublic HealthHealth CareMērķis: Noskaidrot attālināti strādājošo...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the availability of resources has decreased and the risk of burnout on...
The research objective was to investigate the relationship between emotion regulation and social pro...
The research objective was to investigate the relationship between emotion regulation and social pro...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the availability of resources has decreased and the risk of burnout on...
The aim of this study is to investigate relationship between social and psychological indicators and...
Nosaukuns: Latvijas Universitātes medicīnas studentu izdegšanas sindroms un tā saistība ar pašnāvību...
PediatrijaVeselības aprūpePediatricsHealth CareCovid-19 pandēmija turpina radīt nopietnus izaicināju...
The aim of this study is to investigate relationship between social and psychological indicators and...
Today, our society and school are looking for the most effective means of implementing the ever-incr...
Covid-19 pandemic poses significant increase in hazards to professionals’ health and well-being in t...
Burnout syndrome has been around for decades and affects many professions. Burnout is defined as the...