Bakalaura darba pētījuma mērķis bija izpētīt uztvertā akadēmiskā stresa un akadēmiskās izdegšanas saistību medicīnas un psiholoģijas studentiem, kā arī noskaidrot vai pastāv nozīmīgas atšķirības starp medicīnas un psiholoģijas studentu uztvertā akadēmiskā stresa līmeni un akadēmiskās izdegšanas risku. Pētījumā piedalījās 66 respondenti, (59 sievietes, 7 vīrieši), vecumā no 19 līdz 46 gadiem (M=23,27; SD=22,24). Datu ievākšanai tika izmantotas divas aptaujas, Uztvertā akadēmiskā stresa aptauja (Perception of Academic Stress (PAS); Bedewy & Gabriel, 2015) un Maslakas izdegšanas sindroma aptauja- Studentu versija (Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS); Schaufeli, Martinez, Pinto, Salanova & Bakker, 2002). Pētījumā tika secināts, ka...
Pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot vai pastāv izdegšanas un stresa pārvarēšanas stratēģiju rādītāju sta...
This study analyzed stress adaptation in university students, considering the role of cognitive appr...
Cilj istraživanja: Istražiti prisutnost sindroma sagorijevanja među studentima. Utvrditi povezanost ...
Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi razlike u intenzitetu stresa, učestalosti simptoma stresa i razini...
Medical education is challenging, but for some students it can be very stressful. Studies suggest th...
Abstract Background Psychological disorders have negative consequences on students’ learning and aca...
BACKGROUND: Burnout is a state of mental and emotional fatigue; and is a result of chronic stress sy...
Background:Christina Maslach and colleagues define burnout as a psychological syndrome in response t...
Sagorijevanje studenata postaje sve učestalija tema za mnoge istraživače, no i dalje je riječ o rela...
Medical education is perceived as being stressful, and a high level of stress may have a negative ef...
Objective: Analyze if different patterns of occupational stress experienced by students (lower versu...
Background and Objectives Stress, burnout, and coping have been found to be interlinked with each ot...
Frequent study, tests, participation in compulsory and extracurricular activities, extensive workloa...
Abstract Background Burnout is highly prevalent among medical students. This study aimed to assess ...
Stres koji se doživljava na radnom mjestu predstavlja sve veći problem u zdravstvu i u ostalim struk...
Pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot vai pastāv izdegšanas un stresa pārvarēšanas stratēģiju rādītāju sta...
This study analyzed stress adaptation in university students, considering the role of cognitive appr...
Cilj istraživanja: Istražiti prisutnost sindroma sagorijevanja među studentima. Utvrditi povezanost ...
Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi razlike u intenzitetu stresa, učestalosti simptoma stresa i razini...
Medical education is challenging, but for some students it can be very stressful. Studies suggest th...
Abstract Background Psychological disorders have negative consequences on students’ learning and aca...
BACKGROUND: Burnout is a state of mental and emotional fatigue; and is a result of chronic stress sy...
Background:Christina Maslach and colleagues define burnout as a psychological syndrome in response t...
Sagorijevanje studenata postaje sve učestalija tema za mnoge istraživače, no i dalje je riječ o rela...
Medical education is perceived as being stressful, and a high level of stress may have a negative ef...
Objective: Analyze if different patterns of occupational stress experienced by students (lower versu...
Background and Objectives Stress, burnout, and coping have been found to be interlinked with each ot...
Frequent study, tests, participation in compulsory and extracurricular activities, extensive workloa...
Abstract Background Burnout is highly prevalent among medical students. This study aimed to assess ...
Stres koji se doživljava na radnom mjestu predstavlja sve veći problem u zdravstvu i u ostalim struk...
Pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot vai pastāv izdegšanas un stresa pārvarēšanas stratēģiju rādītāju sta...
This study analyzed stress adaptation in university students, considering the role of cognitive appr...
Cilj istraživanja: Istražiti prisutnost sindroma sagorijevanja među studentima. Utvrditi povezanost ...