Šajā darbā tiek pētīti divi Alq3 atvasinājumi un PVK kombinācijā ar četriem DCM atvasinājumiem. Pētītie savienojumi ar rotējošā diska metodi no šķīduma var veidot amorfas plānas kārtiņas. Tika izmērītas šādas paraugu optiskās īpašības: absorbcijas un emisijas spektri, fotoluminescences kinētika un kvantu iznākums. Labākajām sistēmām tika veikti pastiprinātas spontānās emisijas (ASE) mērījumi. Plāno kārtiņu absorbcijas un emisijas mērījumi liecina, ka FRET starp Alq3 un DCM molekulām ir iespējama Alq3 emisijas spektra un DCM absorbcijas spektra pārklāšanās dēļ. No iegūtajiem datiem var secināt, ka dažām sistēmām FRET varētu būt ar 100% efektivitāti. Izmērītās ASE ierosmes sliekšņa enerģijas tiek salīdzinātas ar iepriekš iegūtajām DCM plāno ...
This work has been supported by National Research program “Multifunctional materials and composites,...
Optical confinement can induce enhancement of the resonance energy transfer between fluorescent mole...
Organic semiconductors exhibit excellently suited material properties for a variety of applications ...
Organiskie savienojumi tiek pētīti jau vairākas desmitgades un tiem ir atrasti pielietojumi gaismas ...
Organiskie materiāli ir daudzsološi dažādiem moderniem pielietojumiem, tai skaitā optiski ierosināti...
We show that efficient nonradiative (Forster) energy transfer between solid films of two highly lumi...
Molecular semiconductor materials are highly attractive as gain media for solid state lasers and amp...
The aim of this thesis is the preparation and characterization of model components for organic thin-...
Organiskie cietvielu lāzeri nākotnē varētu tikt izmantoti vairākās nozarēs, piemēram, telekomunikāci...
We show that efficient nonradiative (Förster) energy transfer between solid films of two highly lumi...
Recently, there has been an increase in interest in the creation of photoexcited organic thin film l...
Materiaalin viritystilat linkittyvät erottamattomasti paikallisen optisen ympäristön energiatilojen ...
Molecule crystallization is one of the limitations for obtainin ghigh-gain organic laser systems.One...
The goal of this bachelor thesis is to compile a brief research on solid-phase fluorescence, to find...
This study was conducted to identify the concentration dependence of the operating wavelengths and t...
This work has been supported by National Research program “Multifunctional materials and composites,...
Optical confinement can induce enhancement of the resonance energy transfer between fluorescent mole...
Organic semiconductors exhibit excellently suited material properties for a variety of applications ...
Organiskie savienojumi tiek pētīti jau vairākas desmitgades un tiem ir atrasti pielietojumi gaismas ...
Organiskie materiāli ir daudzsološi dažādiem moderniem pielietojumiem, tai skaitā optiski ierosināti...
We show that efficient nonradiative (Forster) energy transfer between solid films of two highly lumi...
Molecular semiconductor materials are highly attractive as gain media for solid state lasers and amp...
The aim of this thesis is the preparation and characterization of model components for organic thin-...
Organiskie cietvielu lāzeri nākotnē varētu tikt izmantoti vairākās nozarēs, piemēram, telekomunikāci...
We show that efficient nonradiative (Förster) energy transfer between solid films of two highly lumi...
Recently, there has been an increase in interest in the creation of photoexcited organic thin film l...
Materiaalin viritystilat linkittyvät erottamattomasti paikallisen optisen ympäristön energiatilojen ...
Molecule crystallization is one of the limitations for obtainin ghigh-gain organic laser systems.One...
The goal of this bachelor thesis is to compile a brief research on solid-phase fluorescence, to find...
This study was conducted to identify the concentration dependence of the operating wavelengths and t...
This work has been supported by National Research program “Multifunctional materials and composites,...
Optical confinement can induce enhancement of the resonance energy transfer between fluorescent mole...
Organic semiconductors exhibit excellently suited material properties for a variety of applications ...