Pētījums balstīts uz nepieciešamību mērķtiecīgi attīstīt skolēnu proporcionālo spriešanu kā domāšanas stratēģiju, lai uzlabotu izpratni par matemātikas mācību saturu, sniedzot ieteikumus pedagogiem, kā virzīt mācīšanos, lai katrs skolēns pilnveidotu savas spriešanas prasmes. Pētījuma mērķis ir analizēt proporcionālās spriešanas attīstības pēctecību matemātikas mācību programmā 5. – 9. klasei un aprobēt mācību materiālus proporcionālās spriešanas mērķtiecīgai attīstīšanai 6. klasē, sniedzot metodiskos ieteikumus skolēnu domāšanas stratēģiju pilnveidei. Šī pētījuma rezultātā ir apkopoti temati un aktivitātes no matemātikas mācību programmas, lai plānotu ilgtermiņa proporcionālās spriešanas attīstīšanu pamatskolā, un izveidots mācīšanās cikls...
A study of pre-service primary school teachers in Singapore and the United States revealed superior ...
El razonamiento proporcional ha sido materia de estudio tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, ...
Un dominio particular del conocimiento matemático para la enseñanza es el conocimiento de matemática...
Proportional reasoning is the ability to use multiplicative thinking and make multiple comparisons. ...
This study explores the development of students’ strategies from primary to secondary school when so...
Proportional reasoning, the ability to use ratios in situations involving comparison of quantities, ...
Proportional reasoning is one of the big mathematical ideas students will encounter. It applies to a...
Proportional reasoning is required to operate in many mathematical domains in the middle years ’ cur...
The purpose of this study was to investigate pre-service middle school mathematics teachers’ proport...
Proportional reasoning is widely acknowledged as a key to success in school mathematics, yet student...
We present the findings of a study on prospective elementary teachers’ proportional reasoning. After...
The development of proportional reasoning has long been recognised as a central but problematic aspe...
Research carried out as part of the research project, PID2019-105601GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/5011 0001103...
Proportional reasoning is one of four key areas of instruction for sixth and seventh grade mathemat...
International audienceIn order to foster the learning of mathematics, the teacher must be able to in...
A study of pre-service primary school teachers in Singapore and the United States revealed superior ...
El razonamiento proporcional ha sido materia de estudio tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, ...
Un dominio particular del conocimiento matemático para la enseñanza es el conocimiento de matemática...
Proportional reasoning is the ability to use multiplicative thinking and make multiple comparisons. ...
This study explores the development of students’ strategies from primary to secondary school when so...
Proportional reasoning, the ability to use ratios in situations involving comparison of quantities, ...
Proportional reasoning is one of the big mathematical ideas students will encounter. It applies to a...
Proportional reasoning is required to operate in many mathematical domains in the middle years ’ cur...
The purpose of this study was to investigate pre-service middle school mathematics teachers’ proport...
Proportional reasoning is widely acknowledged as a key to success in school mathematics, yet student...
We present the findings of a study on prospective elementary teachers’ proportional reasoning. After...
The development of proportional reasoning has long been recognised as a central but problematic aspe...
Research carried out as part of the research project, PID2019-105601GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/5011 0001103...
Proportional reasoning is one of four key areas of instruction for sixth and seventh grade mathemat...
International audienceIn order to foster the learning of mathematics, the teacher must be able to in...
A study of pre-service primary school teachers in Singapore and the United States revealed superior ...
El razonamiento proporcional ha sido materia de estudio tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, ...
Un dominio particular del conocimiento matemático para la enseñanza es el conocimiento de matemática...