Džūditai Batlerei, poststrukturālisma un feminisma filozofei, dzimte un patība, kas ir savstarpēji nenošķirami, veidojas un pastāv sociālajā kontekstā un varas laukā, būdami diskursa ietekmēti. Filozofe piedāvā, ka cilvēkam nav pirmsdiskursīva kodola un ka piekļuve identitātei, kā arī sevis izziņa ir iespējama tikai ar konvenciju un normu starpniecību. Šāda nostāja rada rīcībspējas jeb spējas pašnoteikties trūkumu un cilvēka subjektīvās pieredzes ignorēšanu attiecībā uz dzimti un patību. Darba mērķis ir risināt rīcībspējas problēmu ar feministisko posthumānisma fenomenoloģijas pieeju, piedāvājot, ka Džūditas Batleres teorija var tikt pilnveidota ar iemiesotības un dzīvotās pieredzes konceptiem.For Judith Butler, a post-structuralist and fem...
Judith Butler é mais conhecida como autora de Gender Trouble, no qual problematiza a maneira pela qu...
Pro gradu – tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yhdysvaltalaisen nykyfilosofi Judith Butlerin käsitystä sukup...
Tutkielmani käsittelee amerikkalaisen feministiteoreetikon, filosofin ja politiikan tutkijan Judith ...
"Judith Butler ve Post-Modern Feminizm" isimli yüksek lisans tezinin amacı Judith Butler'in post-mod...
In her widely cited and criticised Gender trouble, Judith Butler (1990) elaborated the thought that ...
The present paper seeks to view language through the prism of gender as social practice as delineate...
The gender theory of Judith Butler is based on both philosophical and psychoanalytic notions of the ...
Gender identity in the background of discord in Judith Butler’s gender theory and Thomistic metaphys...
Judith Butler je jedna od najcjenjenijih queer teoretičarki na svijetu. Njena filozofija je definiti...
textI address the question of whether poststructuralist theories of subjectivity can accommodate em...
This thesis explores the validity of feminist poststructuralist theory in relation to gender and cul...
Temat ludzkiej płciowości prawdopodobnie nie był w historii tak szeroko omawiany, jak to ma miejsce ...
the most influential feminist theorists of contemporary times. Butler uses continental philosophers ...
This article intends to follow the initial proposal of Judith Butler in Gender Trouble, that gender ...
Judith Butler é mais conhecida como autora de Gender Trouble, no qual problematiza a maneira pela qu...
Judith Butler é mais conhecida como autora de Gender Trouble, no qual problematiza a maneira pela qu...
Pro gradu – tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yhdysvaltalaisen nykyfilosofi Judith Butlerin käsitystä sukup...
Tutkielmani käsittelee amerikkalaisen feministiteoreetikon, filosofin ja politiikan tutkijan Judith ...
"Judith Butler ve Post-Modern Feminizm" isimli yüksek lisans tezinin amacı Judith Butler'in post-mod...
In her widely cited and criticised Gender trouble, Judith Butler (1990) elaborated the thought that ...
The present paper seeks to view language through the prism of gender as social practice as delineate...
The gender theory of Judith Butler is based on both philosophical and psychoanalytic notions of the ...
Gender identity in the background of discord in Judith Butler’s gender theory and Thomistic metaphys...
Judith Butler je jedna od najcjenjenijih queer teoretičarki na svijetu. Njena filozofija je definiti...
textI address the question of whether poststructuralist theories of subjectivity can accommodate em...
This thesis explores the validity of feminist poststructuralist theory in relation to gender and cul...
Temat ludzkiej płciowości prawdopodobnie nie był w historii tak szeroko omawiany, jak to ma miejsce ...
the most influential feminist theorists of contemporary times. Butler uses continental philosophers ...
This article intends to follow the initial proposal of Judith Butler in Gender Trouble, that gender ...
Judith Butler é mais conhecida como autora de Gender Trouble, no qual problematiza a maneira pela qu...
Judith Butler é mais conhecida como autora de Gender Trouble, no qual problematiza a maneira pela qu...
Pro gradu – tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yhdysvaltalaisen nykyfilosofi Judith Butlerin käsitystä sukup...
Tutkielmani käsittelee amerikkalaisen feministiteoreetikon, filosofin ja politiikan tutkijan Judith ...