Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot kāda ir personības iezīmju saistība ar indivīda uztverto COVID-19 risku un ierobežojumu ievērošanu un vai pastāv dzimuma atšķirības risku uztverē un ierobežojumu ievērošanā. Pētījumā piedalījās 112 respondenti vecumā no 19 līdz 75 gadiem, no tiem 82 sievietes un 30 vīrieši. Respondentu vidējais vecums M=46,2 gadi. Pētījuma dizains ir korelatīvs pētījums. Pētījuma veikšanai tika izmantota “Lielā piecnieka” (BFI) aptauja, koronavīrusa trauksmes skalas aptauja, kā arī jautājumi no Rīgas Stradiņa Universitātes 2020.gadā veikta pētījuma, kas šajā pētījumā mērīja COVID-19 uztverto risku un ierobežojumu ievērošanu. Bakalaura darba rezultāti norāda, ka pastāv statistiski nozīmīga saistība starp neirotismu un uztverto ...
Introduction: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has led governments to implement some containmen...
The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has enormous effects on peoples’ lives and on the global economy. Th...
Analizuodami COVID-19 grėsmes, mokslininkai atkreipė dėmesį į įvairių demografinių ir socioekonomini...
Pandemija covid-19 je zahtevala velike spremembe v vsakodnevnem vedenju ljudi. Zdravstvene instituci...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je provjeriti postoje li određene crte ličnosti koje su povezane s poveća...
The COVID-19 pandemic urged systematic restrictive measures in order to avoid the spread of the viru...
Ličnost i socijalne mreže imaju važnu ulogu u subjektivnoj dobrobiti pojedinca, a s obzirom na novon...
Bu araştırmanın amacı, Covid-19 kişisel tehdit algısının Covid-19 önlemlerine uyma davranışı üzerine...
In 2020, many countries around the world created and enforced heavy restrictions geared towards redu...
Cijepljenje je jedno od važnih preventivnih zdravstvenih ponašanja. Namjera cijepljenja je povezana ...
The study examined dispositional personality traits identified in the six-factor HEXACO model and th...
During the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, everyday life has changed; people faced various ...
Objectives: Although many research studies concerning changes in personality and behavior in time of...
Giusy Danila Valenti, Palmira Faraci Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Enna “Kore”...
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted people's daily routines and infused their lives wi...
Introduction: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has led governments to implement some containmen...
The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has enormous effects on peoples’ lives and on the global economy. Th...
Analizuodami COVID-19 grėsmes, mokslininkai atkreipė dėmesį į įvairių demografinių ir socioekonomini...
Pandemija covid-19 je zahtevala velike spremembe v vsakodnevnem vedenju ljudi. Zdravstvene instituci...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je provjeriti postoje li određene crte ličnosti koje su povezane s poveća...
The COVID-19 pandemic urged systematic restrictive measures in order to avoid the spread of the viru...
Ličnost i socijalne mreže imaju važnu ulogu u subjektivnoj dobrobiti pojedinca, a s obzirom na novon...
Bu araştırmanın amacı, Covid-19 kişisel tehdit algısının Covid-19 önlemlerine uyma davranışı üzerine...
In 2020, many countries around the world created and enforced heavy restrictions geared towards redu...
Cijepljenje je jedno od važnih preventivnih zdravstvenih ponašanja. Namjera cijepljenja je povezana ...
The study examined dispositional personality traits identified in the six-factor HEXACO model and th...
During the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, everyday life has changed; people faced various ...
Objectives: Although many research studies concerning changes in personality and behavior in time of...
Giusy Danila Valenti, Palmira Faraci Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Enna “Kore”...
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted people's daily routines and infused their lives wi...
Introduction: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has led governments to implement some containmen...
The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has enormous effects on peoples’ lives and on the global economy. Th...
Analizuodami COVID-19 grėsmes, mokslininkai atkreipė dėmesį į įvairių demografinių ir socioekonomini...