Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot kādas savstarpējās sakarības veido seksuālā iekāre, distress, kompulsivitāte, morālā nekongruence un nosliece uz kaunu. Uzzināt, no kādiem avotiem visbiežāk ir tikusi saņemta informācija par masturbēšanu, vai šī informācija ir bijusi ar pozitīvu, vai negatīvu konotāciju. Pētījumā piedalījās 595 respondenti, kuriem tika lūgts aizpildīt aptauju angļu valodā elektroniskā veidā. Anketa sastāvēja no “Interneta pornogrāfijas lietošanas” aptaujas, “Negatīva pašnovērtējuma‘ apakšskalas, kā arī no “Solitārās seksuālās iekāres” apakšskalas. Pēc ievākto datu statistiskās analīzes tika secināts, ka uztvertā kompulsivitāte, nekongruence un distress veido līdzīgas sakarības, kādas aprakstītas pētījumos, kuros aplūkotas kompulsī...
Many women struggle to achieve sexual subjectivity and sexual assertiveness, which are both key feat...
The aim of this study was to investigate the association between masturbation frequency and sexual d...
The topic of this thesis is the effect of pornography consumption on the partner sexual activity. Th...
Purpose: The objective of the submitted work is to map the up till now less examined area of masturb...
Purpose: The objective of the submitted work is to map out a so far lesss examined sphere of masturb...
This study examined differences in masturbation habits, including the frequency of masturbation and ...
Pētījumā tika meklētas atbildes uz jautājumiem, vai seksuālā objektifikācija un izmantotā pornogrāfi...
Proučavanje hiperseksualnosti rezultiralo je uvođenjem dijagnoze poremećaja kompulzivnog seksualnog ...
Motivacije za korištenje pornografije su slabo istraživane, a ključna su dimenzija predviđanja isho...
Research about masturbation tends to be limited to the assessment of masturbation incidence and freq...
Pašvērtējums ir daļa no mūsu ikdienas dzīves, un uzzināt faktorus ,kuri to ietekmē, ļaus mums padarī...
Research about masturbation tends to be limited to the assessment of masturbation incidence and freq...
Cilj ovog kvalitativnog istraživanja bio je dobiti uvid u odnos pornografije i seksualnog maštanja, ...
The current study was conducted to examine the association between masturbation and relationship sta...
Seksting se odnosi na slanje, primanje, objavljivanje i prosljeđivanje osobnog ili tuđeg seksualno e...
Many women struggle to achieve sexual subjectivity and sexual assertiveness, which are both key feat...
The aim of this study was to investigate the association between masturbation frequency and sexual d...
The topic of this thesis is the effect of pornography consumption on the partner sexual activity. Th...
Purpose: The objective of the submitted work is to map the up till now less examined area of masturb...
Purpose: The objective of the submitted work is to map out a so far lesss examined sphere of masturb...
This study examined differences in masturbation habits, including the frequency of masturbation and ...
Pētījumā tika meklētas atbildes uz jautājumiem, vai seksuālā objektifikācija un izmantotā pornogrāfi...
Proučavanje hiperseksualnosti rezultiralo je uvođenjem dijagnoze poremećaja kompulzivnog seksualnog ...
Motivacije za korištenje pornografije su slabo istraživane, a ključna su dimenzija predviđanja isho...
Research about masturbation tends to be limited to the assessment of masturbation incidence and freq...
Pašvērtējums ir daļa no mūsu ikdienas dzīves, un uzzināt faktorus ,kuri to ietekmē, ļaus mums padarī...
Research about masturbation tends to be limited to the assessment of masturbation incidence and freq...
Cilj ovog kvalitativnog istraživanja bio je dobiti uvid u odnos pornografije i seksualnog maštanja, ...
The current study was conducted to examine the association between masturbation and relationship sta...
Seksting se odnosi na slanje, primanje, objavljivanje i prosljeđivanje osobnog ili tuđeg seksualno e...
Many women struggle to achieve sexual subjectivity and sexual assertiveness, which are both key feat...
The aim of this study was to investigate the association between masturbation frequency and sexual d...
The topic of this thesis is the effect of pornography consumption on the partner sexual activity. Th...