Feeding plasticity in the nematode Pristionchus pacificus is influenced by sex and social context and is linked to developmental speed

  • Serobyan, V.
  • Ragsdale, E.
  • Müller, M.
  • Sommer, R.
Publication date
May 2013


The increasing evidence for a role of developmental plasticity in evolution offers exciting prospects for testing interactions between ecological and developmental genetic processes. Recent advances with the model organism Pristionchus pacificus have provided inroads to a mechanistic understanding of a developmental plasticity. The developmental plasticity of P. pacificus comprises two discontinuous adult mouth-forms, a stenostomatous ("narrow mouthed") and a eurystomatous ("wide mouthed") form, the latter of which is structurally more complex and associated with predatory feeding. Both forms are consistently present in populations, but fundamental properties guiding fluctuations in their appearance have been poorly understood. Here, we pro...

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