Title: The relationship between improvisation and written music from the galant period to the beginnings of aleatory music. The practice of composing music by improvising on an instrument is rooted in antiquity. By means of musical notation, many works from the past have been preserved from oblivion; but improvisations have been irredeemably lost, at least until the invention of sonic reproduction. The present study aims to recapture improvised music and the bases from which it developed, ranging in time from the late eighteenth century until the first half of the twentieth century. The study is focused in particular on keyboard music, since this received the greatest attention from composers who were also great improvisors, and offered...
How does one improvise? How can one learn the art of improvisation? By considering these two questio...
After a short introduction the concept of improvisation is defined and the thesis traces its develop...
The purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to examine and advocate for the use of a historical key...
In recent years, scholars and musicians have become increasingly interested in the revival of musica...
This project deals with one of the key issues of European music in modern and contemporary eras: the...
Improvisation is an important aspect of music, not only in jazz and other ‘improvised music’, but al...
This project deals with one of the key issues of European music in modern and contemporary eras: the...
Nel saggio sono approfonditi alcuni aspetti delle intersezioni tra concezione formale e pratica impr...
Elements of musical improvisation have been present throughout the medieval, Renaissance, and Baroqu...
Elements of musical improvisation have been present throughout the medieval, renaissance, and baroqu...
Improvisation is often conceived as making music without reading a score. This interpretation derive...
Namen magistrske naloge je predstaviti razvoj baročne improvizacije za instrumente s tipkami ter vpl...
The history of music making unequivocally demonstrates that improvisation, in the sense of making mu...
The goal of this volume is to examine and describe the manifold improvisational culture around 1800....
Virginia HouserFor centuries, improvisation played an important role in Western music cultures. It w...
How does one improvise? How can one learn the art of improvisation? By considering these two questio...
After a short introduction the concept of improvisation is defined and the thesis traces its develop...
The purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to examine and advocate for the use of a historical key...
In recent years, scholars and musicians have become increasingly interested in the revival of musica...
This project deals with one of the key issues of European music in modern and contemporary eras: the...
Improvisation is an important aspect of music, not only in jazz and other ‘improvised music’, but al...
This project deals with one of the key issues of European music in modern and contemporary eras: the...
Nel saggio sono approfonditi alcuni aspetti delle intersezioni tra concezione formale e pratica impr...
Elements of musical improvisation have been present throughout the medieval, Renaissance, and Baroqu...
Elements of musical improvisation have been present throughout the medieval, renaissance, and baroqu...
Improvisation is often conceived as making music without reading a score. This interpretation derive...
Namen magistrske naloge je predstaviti razvoj baročne improvizacije za instrumente s tipkami ter vpl...
The history of music making unequivocally demonstrates that improvisation, in the sense of making mu...
The goal of this volume is to examine and describe the manifold improvisational culture around 1800....
Virginia HouserFor centuries, improvisation played an important role in Western music cultures. It w...
How does one improvise? How can one learn the art of improvisation? By considering these two questio...
After a short introduction the concept of improvisation is defined and the thesis traces its develop...
The purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to examine and advocate for the use of a historical key...