Раннецветущие растения обладают более совершенной антиоксидантной системой по сравнению с другими расте-ниями, что связано с неустойчивыми погодными условиями в период их роста и развития. Цель работы – изучить ферментативную антиоксидантную активность раннецветущих растений. = Early-flowering plants have an improved antioxidant system in comparison with other plants, due to the unstable weather conditions during the period of their growth and development. The aim is to study enzymatic antioxidant activity of early-flowering plants
Ornamental wild plants were studied for four years in the botanical gardens of Khakasia. They had be...
The results of cytoembriological researches of two species of genus Salix L. (S. caprea L. and S. ci...
The results of comparative analysis of chemical composition of epiphytic and terrestrial species of ...
Dynamics of allelopathic activity of excretions from different bodies of 5 species of Calendula genu...
The structure of generative sphere of Protoasparagus densiflorus f. sarmentosus is described. Peculi...
The article is dedicated to investigation of isozymes composition of Persica vulgaris Mill. breeding...
The analysis of the phytoncidic activity of six species of family Агасеае Juss. has been carried out...
Рассмотрен механизм развития пыльцевых зерен в интродукционных популяциях Hippophae rhamnoides L. Ув...
There are 24 species of plants were studied in Mykhailivska Tsylina reserve. Allelopathic characters...
Main morphological structures that are developed in plants on the second year of life are described....
提早柑桔果實成熟期為目的,觀察酸桔、廣東檸檬及枳殼等不同砧木椪柑之生理的花芽分化時期並鏡檢形態的花芽分化時期及其發達過程。結果如下: (1)不拘採用何種砧木,11月上旬以前環狀剝皮者翌春之着花數均特多...
UK: Доведено, що зазначені препарати мають фітостимулювальний та адаптогенний впливи на процеси прор...
蕙蘭屬(Cymbidium spp.)為臺灣蘭花產業上六大作物之一,在2014年的出口值為940萬美元,佔臺灣外銷蘭花的第三位,其中以四季蘭[Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) SW....
Ornamental wild plants were studied for four years in the botanical gardens of Khakasia. They had be...
The results of cytoembriological researches of two species of genus Salix L. (S. caprea L. and S. ci...
The results of comparative analysis of chemical composition of epiphytic and terrestrial species of ...
Dynamics of allelopathic activity of excretions from different bodies of 5 species of Calendula genu...
The structure of generative sphere of Protoasparagus densiflorus f. sarmentosus is described. Peculi...
The article is dedicated to investigation of isozymes composition of Persica vulgaris Mill. breeding...
The analysis of the phytoncidic activity of six species of family Агасеае Juss. has been carried out...
Рассмотрен механизм развития пыльцевых зерен в интродукционных популяциях Hippophae rhamnoides L. Ув...
There are 24 species of plants were studied in Mykhailivska Tsylina reserve. Allelopathic characters...
Main morphological structures that are developed in plants on the second year of life are described....
提早柑桔果實成熟期為目的,觀察酸桔、廣東檸檬及枳殼等不同砧木椪柑之生理的花芽分化時期並鏡檢形態的花芽分化時期及其發達過程。結果如下: (1)不拘採用何種砧木,11月上旬以前環狀剝皮者翌春之着花數均特多...
UK: Доведено, що зазначені препарати мають фітостимулювальний та адаптогенний впливи на процеси прор...
蕙蘭屬(Cymbidium spp.)為臺灣蘭花產業上六大作物之一,在2014年的出口值為940萬美元,佔臺灣外銷蘭花的第三位,其中以四季蘭[Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) SW....
Ornamental wild plants were studied for four years in the botanical gardens of Khakasia. They had be...
The results of cytoembriological researches of two species of genus Salix L. (S. caprea L. and S. ci...