Felix and Violet Oliver share their childhood memories, their school life, and about their family. Violet shows some of the clothes she knit and photographs of her family.00:06-02:54 Violet was born on 26th March 1931 in Corner Brook, moved to Stephenville in 1941, brought up and got married there, moved to Toronto in 1955, and came back here again in 1962, Felix was born on August 1st, 1927 in Gull island, worked in St. John’s for 30 years, then moved to Toronto and came back again; 03:00-03:26 Violet’s mother died when she was three and half years old, her mother had six children, her step-mother had nine and she has also a brother, in total they are eighteen; 03:30- 06:23 she had to quit school when she was thirteen to help her mother as...