The Middle Eastern Genus Ocnerosthenus Massa, 1995 (Insecta Orthoptera: Pamphagidae).

  • Massa, B.
  • Fontana, P.
Publication date
January 2007


The study of types and other specimens coming from the Middle East and original descriptions allowed us to propose the following conclusions. Five species belong to this genus inhabiting montane areas of Lebanon, Syria and Israel, O. verrucosus (Brunner, 1882), O. brunnerianus (Saussure, 1887), O. simulans (Bolivar, 1911), O. kneuckeri (Krauss, 1909) and O. lividipes (Fishelson, 1985). O. brunnerianus is distributed over the North-West of Syria. Distribution of O. simulans covers the mountains of Central-North Lebanon, O. kneuckeri lives on the mountains of Central-South Lebanon and O. lividipes on Mt. Hermon. Type locality of O. verrucosus is Syria and it seems impossible to locate it more precisely; characteristics of the type (female) co...

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