Financial ratios provide useful quantitative financial information to both investors and analysts so that they can rate a company.Many financial indicators from accounting books are taken into account. Instead of sequentially examining each ratio, one can analyse together different combinations of ratios in order to simultaneously take into account different aspects. This may be done by computing a composite indicator. The focus of the paper is on reducing the dimension of a composite indicator. A quick and compact solution is proposed, and a practical application to corporate finance is presented. In particular, the liquidity issue is addressed. The results suggest that analysts should take our method into consideration as it is much simpl...
The general concern of this paper is the utility of financial ratios in the assessment of corporate ...
The financial health hypothesis argues that the valuation multiple of book value of equity (earnings...
Working capital is a financial metric which represent operating liquidity available to a business, o...
Financial ratios provide useful quantitative financial information to both investors and analysts so...
Financial ratios provide useful quantitative financial information to both investors and analysts so...
Financial analysts, managers, lenders and academic researchers widely use financial ratios. For exam...
Quality of life or listed company rating are examples of complex variables which are not directly ob...
One of the enterprises’ biggest fears is a potential bankruptcy situation. This is the reason there ...
Financial Ratio analysis is a quintessential technique to evaluate financial statements and is widel...
Due to the type of mathematical construction, the use of standard financial ratios in studies analyz...
Quality of life or listed company rating are examples of complex variables which are not directly ob...
This project was carried out for the Financial Controllership (FC) area of Enterprise Operations B...
I am trying to achieve that exist many problems while using financial analysis, I mean using of indi...
This research mainly focused on the evaluation of the companies’ liquidity by using financial ratios...
The general concern of this paper is the utility of financial ratios in the assessment of corporate ...
The financial health hypothesis argues that the valuation multiple of book value of equity (earnings...
Working capital is a financial metric which represent operating liquidity available to a business, o...
Financial ratios provide useful quantitative financial information to both investors and analysts so...
Financial ratios provide useful quantitative financial information to both investors and analysts so...
Financial analysts, managers, lenders and academic researchers widely use financial ratios. For exam...
Quality of life or listed company rating are examples of complex variables which are not directly ob...
One of the enterprises’ biggest fears is a potential bankruptcy situation. This is the reason there ...
Financial Ratio analysis is a quintessential technique to evaluate financial statements and is widel...
Due to the type of mathematical construction, the use of standard financial ratios in studies analyz...
Quality of life or listed company rating are examples of complex variables which are not directly ob...
This project was carried out for the Financial Controllership (FC) area of Enterprise Operations B...
I am trying to achieve that exist many problems while using financial analysis, I mean using of indi...
This research mainly focused on the evaluation of the companies’ liquidity by using financial ratios...
The general concern of this paper is the utility of financial ratios in the assessment of corporate ...
The financial health hypothesis argues that the valuation multiple of book value of equity (earnings...
Working capital is a financial metric which represent operating liquidity available to a business, o...