Przedsiębiorstwa społeczne stały się w ostatnich latach przedmiotem debaty publicznej jako organizacje, które mogą rozwiązywać wiele problemów społecznych na poziomie lokalnym. Zatrudnianie osób wykluczonych rynku pracy, wspieranie i aktywizowanie lokalnych podmiotów gospodarczych czy wreszcie dostarczanie usług społecznych to tylko wstępne oczekiwania skierowane ku przedsiębiorstwom społecznym rozwijającym się dzięki publicznemu wsparciu. Jednocześnie oczekuje się od nich także realizacji celów biznesowych — konkurowania na rynku, generowania nadwyżek, a nawet maksymalizacji zysków. Ten dualizm oczekiwań wobec przedsiębiorstw społecznych może prowadzić do poczucia odrealnienia celów i zagubienia (może nawet utraty) własnej tożsamości. Cel...
The purpose of the article is to indicate the emerging processes of moderncapitalism. A feature of m...
The text presents a consideration of workers, analysing their positioning in social, economic and po...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is commonly accepted among managers and sought after by wide ...
The main goal of this article is to highlight the need for introducing a profit in the system of cr...
The purpose of this paper is to present corporate social responsibility as one of the key factors in...
One of the most important areas of corporate social responsibility are now relations with employees....
The idea of corporate social responsibility has growing significance in facing the difficulties of t...
The goal of the paper is to show the means of using project management to deal with important social...
One may say that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a very fashionable topic. There have been ...
The process of ageing of society is progressing dynamically, which will translate into an increase i...
In this paper, taking as a starting point Freeman’s stakeholder theory approach, we aim to ref...
Zjawisko izomorfizmu organizacyjnego wiąże się z upodabnianiem się różnych organizacji. Autor preze...
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji Ekologicznej Społecznej Odpowiedzialności Biznesu, a t...
The social economy sector is an important area of public policy implementation in social assistance ...
The article presents the concept of the value model of a social enterprise in the market system of c...
The purpose of the article is to indicate the emerging processes of moderncapitalism. A feature of m...
The text presents a consideration of workers, analysing their positioning in social, economic and po...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is commonly accepted among managers and sought after by wide ...
The main goal of this article is to highlight the need for introducing a profit in the system of cr...
The purpose of this paper is to present corporate social responsibility as one of the key factors in...
One of the most important areas of corporate social responsibility are now relations with employees....
The idea of corporate social responsibility has growing significance in facing the difficulties of t...
The goal of the paper is to show the means of using project management to deal with important social...
One may say that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a very fashionable topic. There have been ...
The process of ageing of society is progressing dynamically, which will translate into an increase i...
In this paper, taking as a starting point Freeman’s stakeholder theory approach, we aim to ref...
Zjawisko izomorfizmu organizacyjnego wiąże się z upodabnianiem się różnych organizacji. Autor preze...
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji Ekologicznej Społecznej Odpowiedzialności Biznesu, a t...
The social economy sector is an important area of public policy implementation in social assistance ...
The article presents the concept of the value model of a social enterprise in the market system of c...
The purpose of the article is to indicate the emerging processes of moderncapitalism. A feature of m...
The text presents a consideration of workers, analysing their positioning in social, economic and po...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is commonly accepted among managers and sought after by wide ...