Arabska Wiosna rozbudziła nadzieję na demokratyczną zmianę, co zaowocowało pojawieniem się oddolnych inicjatyw obywatelskich, do jakich Jordania wcześniej nie przywykła. Jedną z takich grup są matki walczące o prawo do obywatelstwa dla swoich dzieci.The Arab Spring has opened new channels for expressing political demands. Under the liberal guise covered by the international media, a number of political struggles of different citizens groups are hidden. Women's groups are often one set of main actors that remain backstage. The subject of my research concerns new grassroots groups, which started their own struggle during the mass protests in Amman. They are the Jordanian mothers struggling for equality in citizenship law. Motherhood is an ins...
This bachelor thesis deals with the influence of the so-called Arab Spring on the rights and the sta...
En las sociedades occidentales se tiene la percepción sobre las mujeres que viven en el Medio Orient...
The civic status of female citizens in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is conceptuali...
Pomimo iż debata o obywatelstwie w krajach Bliskiego Wschodu zatacza coraz szersze kręgi, większość...
Recent decades in Jordan have witnessed considerable changes in women’s roles in the political spher...
Kobiety znajdują się w centrum bliskowschodniego dyskursu o współczesności i zmianie społecznej. Dom...
Praca dotyczy kwestii postrzegania ciała kobiet w Egipcie, podczas Arabskiej Wiosny. Odnosi się do...
In January-February 2011, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt were overthr...
Wysoki status prawny i polityczny kobiet wyróżnia Tunezję na tle innych krajów kultury arabsko-muzu...
The social movement known as the Arab Spring brings together various groups, including educated wome...
This paper explores the failure of women's organizations to effect the improvement of the status of ...
The proposed research seeks to contribute to contemporary feminist debates and dialogues in its expl...
This thesis examines historically the obstacles that have hindered and the resources that have facil...
This paper is an attempt to analyse the new and exciting times occurring currently in the Middle Eas...
The Arab Spring, a revolutionary wave of protests and rebellions, and a process of regime change and...
This bachelor thesis deals with the influence of the so-called Arab Spring on the rights and the sta...
En las sociedades occidentales se tiene la percepción sobre las mujeres que viven en el Medio Orient...
The civic status of female citizens in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is conceptuali...
Pomimo iż debata o obywatelstwie w krajach Bliskiego Wschodu zatacza coraz szersze kręgi, większość...
Recent decades in Jordan have witnessed considerable changes in women’s roles in the political spher...
Kobiety znajdują się w centrum bliskowschodniego dyskursu o współczesności i zmianie społecznej. Dom...
Praca dotyczy kwestii postrzegania ciała kobiet w Egipcie, podczas Arabskiej Wiosny. Odnosi się do...
In January-February 2011, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt were overthr...
Wysoki status prawny i polityczny kobiet wyróżnia Tunezję na tle innych krajów kultury arabsko-muzu...
The social movement known as the Arab Spring brings together various groups, including educated wome...
This paper explores the failure of women's organizations to effect the improvement of the status of ...
The proposed research seeks to contribute to contemporary feminist debates and dialogues in its expl...
This thesis examines historically the obstacles that have hindered and the resources that have facil...
This paper is an attempt to analyse the new and exciting times occurring currently in the Middle Eas...
The Arab Spring, a revolutionary wave of protests and rebellions, and a process of regime change and...
This bachelor thesis deals with the influence of the so-called Arab Spring on the rights and the sta...
En las sociedades occidentales se tiene la percepción sobre las mujeres que viven en el Medio Orient...
The civic status of female citizens in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is conceptuali...