[[alternative]]Current Status and Future Development of Multimedia Web-Based Learning in the Nursing Department of the National Taipei College of Nursing

  • 張蓓貞
  • Chang, Pei-Jen


[[abstract]]迎接終身學習時代的來臨,知識管理、網路教學與電子商務三者的結合將是未來發展趨勢,其中又以『網路教學』的學習是不受時空的限制;透過活潑、生動且多元化的網路教學,不僅增進自我導向及拓展在職教育的學習,使護理教育的成長隨時代的脈動而改變,更能讓護理人員擁有具彈性的學習時間及反覆練習的學習空間。提供適當的行政支援及專業資源給教師及學生,是學校在推動網路教學重要的考量,也網路教學成功的一大關鍵。這篇文章將透過國立台北護理學院網路教學之經驗分享,並展望網路教學未來之發展,期能培養出符合「e」時代需求的醫護專業人才。[[abstract]]The world is poised at the advent of the era of lifetime learning, and the integration of knowledge management, Web-Based Learning, and e-commerce is the fastest growing trend today. Web-Based Learning is not limited by time or space, and not only will it promote self-direct learning and on-job training by bringing nursing education change completely in sync with international and world trends, it will also allow students a flexible study schedule and space to drill w...

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